Definition: 1. A line made of twisted fibers or threads. 2. A unit of amount of wood cut for burning; 128 cubic feet. 3. A light insulated conductor for household use. 4. A cut pile fabric with vertical ribs; usually made of cotton. 5. Stack in cords. 6. Bind or tie with a cord.
Use 'cord' in a sentence:
1. Testing method for adhesion of rubber to steel cord.
2. Every Apple product has obsolescence built in, and if I lose my laptop's power cord, they charge me $80 for a new one.
3. MSCs were easily obtained from Wharton's jelly of human umbilical cord.
4. Some parents now are choosing to save the cord blood, have it frozen, locked away somewhere just in case it is useful to their child later in life.
5. If there is no wire, a cord will do.
6. The objective is to establish a model of spinal cord organotypic culture in vitroof Sprague Dawlay rat.
7. I will never forget all you've done for me, but it's time to cut the umbilical cord.
8. Repairs to the nervous system will start with optic nerves and, in time, the spinal cord.
9. A recent study found that the number of Americans with high-speed Internet at home today actually fell during the last two years, and 15% of people now consider themselves to be "cord-cutters".
10. They bound him down with cords.
11. There's a lot of interests in obtaining stem cells from the blood of the umbilical cord on birth.
12. Management and survival analysis of patients with spinal cord injury.
13. Reparies to the nervous system will start with optic nerves and, in time, the spinal cord.
14. Mary got up, much mystified, and found the cord.
15. McGillicuddy's hand went up to the communication cord, then paused, irresolute.
16. She wanted to scream, but her vocal cords seemed paralysed.
17. My wrist is all scraped now, so I must have pulled it through the cord.
18. A similar attachment has also been found to the spinal cord via the ligamentum nuchae.
19. I wear a safety cord all the time.
20. Further down the line here, if we looked in the adult brain or spinal cord and other regions, we'll find committed progenitor cells.
21. They can at least reach to the intumescentia of the spinal cord.
22. A New Method for Uniaxial Tension Test of Polyester Cord.
23. A player would pull the cord and release hands;
24. Discussion on the manufacturing Technology of Driving Cord used for Oil Pumping Machine.
25. Tack the cord around the cushion.
26. The door had been tied shut with a length of nylon cord.
27. Experimental study of spinal injury and recovery in tethered cord syndrome.
28. The death of a second parent is like severing an umbilical cord to our past.
29. The referendum will bring Puerto Rico one step closer to cutting the island's umbilical cord to the United States.
30. Cord held the reins while the stallion tugged and snorted.
31. After the cord was cut, each sister took turns with their brother.
32. Bamboo dragonfly has a helicopter top axis6 with a cord wound around it, with a horizontal blade sticking out from the axis.
33. He had bare feet, a T-shirt and cords on.
34. Corticosterone, progesterone, estradiol a nd deoxycorticosterone showed no effects on the glycine uptake in spinal cord synaptosomes.
35. There is a cord hanging from it.
36. A quick-thinking ticket inspector yanked an emergency cord.
37. The objective is to observe the co-existence of calbindin-D28k (CB) with parvalbumin (PV) in neurons of the anterior horn of the spinal cord in rats.
38. The river said, "Run first to the bride, and ask her for a silken cord to draw up the water."
39. He found its cord and yanked, the light went out.
40. He wound the cord round a wheel.
41. Cord Blood Stem Cells and Cardiovascular Replacement of Congenital Heart Disease.
42. Thickening and perivascular lymphocytic cuffing of cord blood vessels. H and E X250.
43. He always wears the blue cords.
44. The brain stem-spinal cord angle is much smaller in partial patients with platybasia and basilar invagination.
45. Bedrooms are fitted with alarm pull cords to alert the manager in an emergency.
46. Inflate your life jacket by pulling sharply on the cord.
47. Bind the ends of the cord together with thread.
48. Almost all sensory information from the trunk and limbs passes through the spinal cord.
49. The cytoarchitectonic organization of the cervical spinal cord of the tree shrew was studied with Nissl's stain method.
50. We used so many lights that we needed four extension cords.
51. He caught the thief with a cord but was surprised to find it was a boy.
52. He began to worry at the knot in the cord.
53. Our host ran a long extension cord out from the house and set up a screen and a projector.
54. He was killed because he ignored a warning to put stronger cords on his parachute.
55. Properties such as adhesion in the case of tire cords and dyeability in the case of carpet yarns can be affected by the surface composition of the fiber.