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1. Capable of being believed.
2. A common but incorrect usage where `credulous' would be appropriate.
3. Appearing to merit belief or acceptance.

Use 'credible' in a sentence:

  1. Therefore, to build a secure and credible tuition management information system could improve work efficiency obviously.
  2. Droughts, too, look scarcely credible as culprits.
  3. The established indicator system is effective, credible, objective and specific. 4.
  4. So far, there is only one credible proposal.
  5. Build a team of credible experts.
  6. SET protocol is secure business protocol, CA also is credible organization in network presently.
  7. Compared to the results of the theoretical analysis, the simulation results proved to be true and credible.
  8. Baroness Thatcher's claims seem credible to many.
  9. Alternatives provide a credible threat to suppliers, even if the ability to switch is constrained.
  10. They all think us Chinese credible.
  11. Acquisition of credible rules in ordered decision systems based on descriptors.
  12. There are two strategies about lawful strategy and credible strategy that private enterprises can choose.
  13. Credible, consistent data.
  14. Therefore, we must strengthen our construction of a credible government and society.
  15. What makes expert witnesses credible with jurors?
  16. That number is not credible.
  17. The results show the operation is convenient and the results are credible.
  18. Its austerity targets are more credible than Portugal's.
  19. The claim is credible.
  20. That demands a credible medium-term plan to cut deficits.
  21. Present convergence analysis of algorithm, which presents credible theory guarantee for algorithm.
  22. Finally there must be a credible plan for action when the crisis gets even worse.
  23. But how credible are Xie's arguments?
  24. Is that promise credible?
  25. The standard was credible by application testing.
  26. We need someone working for us that they'll consider credible.
  27. Realizing Credible SOAP Transmission of Email Using XML Security.
  28. The challenge before the opposition is to offer credible alternative policies for the future.
  29. So much for the credible evidence of wrongdoing standard.
  30. It is shown that the circuits are flexible and credible.
  31. Analysis of the credible degree of the decision based on information entropy.
  32. Mr Robertson would be a credible candidate.
  33. Researchers in many areas have projected the widespread collapse as "a credible scenario this century".
  34. Studies on the issues of credible commitments in a transitional economy.
  35. Simulation results show that our simulation platform is credible.
  36. The method was credible, convenient for control and easy to achieve industrialization.
  37. Collateral Security, Credible Threat and the Choice of Finance Modes.
  38. A credible budget?
  39. Jargon makes you credible.
  40. The bad news was that Perot looked credible again.
  41. Though its villain also receives his rightful deserts, the thriller presents a less comfortable and credible world.
  42. The only credible deterrent was letting Greece default.
  43. Is there a credible alternative to the nuclear deterrent?
  44. There's no credible alternative to the nuclear deterrent.
  45. A Canadian study found that children as young as 14 months can differentiate between a credible person and a dishonest one.
  46. The British Olympic Association (BOA) has said that to earn a slot, a team must be capable of "a credible performance".
  47. As a passionate musician, Schellenberg was delighted when he turned up credible evidence that music has transfer effects on general intelligence.
  48. Community service is seen as the only credible alternative to imprisonment.
  49. We must not shrink from the legitimate use of force if we are to remain credible.
  50. He urged the administration and Congress to come up with a credible package to reduce the budget deficit.
  51. It is just not credible that she would cheat.
  52. Mr. Robertson would be a credible candidate.
  53. His recreation of the city is credible, with a substratum of fact to bolster the fiction.
  54. Her claims seem credible to many.
  55. But in order to maintain a credible threat of intervention, we have to maintain a credible alliance.
  56. The company might be very optimistic, but the ability of their machine to detect deception has not provided credible proof.