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1. A loud utterance; often in protest or opposition.
2. A fit of weeping.
3. Shed tears because of sadness, rage, or pain.

Use 'cry' in a sentence:

  1. Her suicide attempt was really a cry for help.
  2. That night she cried herself to sleep.
  3. His ears caught a faint cry.
  4. Stop crying and don't be such a baby.
  5. There's no need to cry.
  6. The cry occurs when air is brought into contact with the baby's larynx.
  7. A cry of horror broke from me.
  8. Babies cry when they are tired.
  9. Small children often cry after a minor bump.
  10. She let out an anguished cry.
  11. I started shaking uncontrollably and began to cry.
  12. She uttered a cry of despair.
  13. I hate it when people cry.
  14. He had not heard her cry before in this uncontrolled, hopeless way.
  15. I found him crying his eyes out.
  16. She said she was coming to the party, but cried off at the last moment.
  17. When she saw him, she let out a cry of horror.
  18. You bastard! You've made her cry.
  19. She hid her face under the collar of his jacket and started to cry.
  20. Listening to the cries was more than flesh and blood could stand.
  21. It would be a crying shame not to take them up on the offer.
  22. I hung up the phone and started to cry.
  23. At first I kept cool and unemotional, then I began to cry.
  24. His face puckered , and he was ready to cry.
  25. The baby was crying for its mother.
  26. To his horror, he could feel himself starting to cry.
  27. Stop crying and pull yourself together!
  28. I am always here to cry with you.
  29. The men in prison would never cry openly.
  30. My anger evaporated and I wanted to cry.
  31. 'Help!' he cried out.
  32. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her cry.
  33. I felt a lot better after a good long cry.
  34. Please stop crying and tell me what's wrong.
  35. Her voice cracked and she began to cry.
  36. He could see she had been crying.
  37. Her lip quivered and then she started to cry.
  38. She looked ready to cry.
  39. He thought that crying was a sign of weakness.
  40. His cry is pitched at a level that makes it impossible to ignore.
  41. I defy anyone not to cry at the end of the film.
  42. He gave a loud cry and fell to the floor.
  43. It's all right. Don't cry.
  44. She cried out for help.
  45. Adam jumped from his seat at the girl's cry.
  46. The baby was crying all night long.
  47. I stopped my ears but still heard her cry out.
  48. There's nothing to cry about.
  49. A feed will usually provide instant gratification to a crying baby.
  50. The company is crying out for fresh new talent.
  51. With a cry she pitched forward.
  52. Despite his cries, no one came to his assistance.
  53. It's a crying shame to waste all that food.
  54. 'You're safe!' Tom cried in delight.
  55. She had to restrain herself from crying out in pain.