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1. The property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required.
2. An excess of liabilities over assets (usually over a certain period).

Use 'deficit' in a sentence:

  1. Taxes only get part of the way toward a $50 billion deficit.
  2. For the first five months of 2007, the trade deficit actually fell 7 percent from 2006.
  3. The budget deficit has ballooned to$ 25 billion.
  4. There has been a sharp increase in Indian's balance of payment deficit.
  5. In 1969, as the strains between America's budget deficit and the dollar's gold peg emerged, an artificial reserve asset was created.
  6. They're ready to cut the federal budget deficit for the next fiscal year.
  7. The United States Congress and the president are still locked in disagreement over proposals to reduce the massive budget deficit.
  8. The trade deficit remains the soft underbelly of the US economy.
  9. These options would actually worsen the economy and add to the deficit.
  10. To recap briefly, an agreement negotiated to cut the budget deficit was rejected 10 days ago.
  11. Britain's balance of payments deficit has improved slightly.
  12. The US trade deficit widened to$ 7.59 billion in November.
  13. The money tourists spend helps decrease our chronic trade deficit.
  14. If deficit reduction aggravates these biases, more Americans may choose not to have children or to have fewer children.
  15. Mr. Balls, like him a former disciple of Mr. Brown, is thought to disdain his woolly line on the deficit.
  16. The overriding problem is the continuing deficit financing of the federal government.
  17. Exports are dwindling and the trade deficit is swelling.
  18. By 1973 the government deficit equalled thirty per cent of GNP.
  19. We have a great deficit this year.
  20. I'm not impressed by the promise of tax cuts against the backcloth of a public-spending deficit.
  21. In the same way, a significant reduction of wasteful agricultural subsidies could also lower the deficit.
  22. There's been a sharp increase in Indian's balance of payment deficit.
  23. He promised to get to work on the state's massive deficit.
  24. The deficit in Britain's balance of trade in March rose to more than 2100 million pounds.
  25. The deficit had grown with the connivance of the banks.
  26. The deficit is now running at about 300 million dollars a year.
  27. The larger the trade deficit, the smaller the GDP.
  28. The team has to come back from a 2 – 0 deficit in the first half.
  29. There's a deficit of$ 3 million in the total needed to complete the project.
  30. The trade balance has been in deficit for the past five years.
  31. Deficit hawks still worry about the cost of the proposal.
  32. The luxury tax won't really do much to pare down the budget deficit.
  33. A simple consumption tax of, say, 5% would significantly reduce the country's huge government deficit without damaging productivity.
  34. He urged the administration and Congress to come up with a credible package to reduce the budget deficit.
  35. The trade deficit is the flip side of a rapidly expanding economy.
  36. Last October the bank balked, alarmed that a$ 24m profit had turned into a$ 20m deficit.
  37. The United States Congress and the President are still locked in disagreement over proposals to reduce the massive budget deficit.
  38. Failing to tackle the deficit would be throwing away an opportunity we haven't had for a generation.
  39. The Congressional Budget Office says the federal deficit shows every sign of getting larger.
  40. President Bush has ended the stalemate over moves to cut the country's budget deficit.
  41. Last October the bank balked, alarmed that a $24M profit had turned into a $20M deficit.
  42. 100,000 federal workers will be laid off to reduce the deficit.
  43. If you're truly horrified by the budget deficit, why not propose tax increases as part of the solution?
  44. The dry statistics ought to inform the ongoing deficit debate, because a budget is not just a catalog of programs and taxes.
  45. The US trade deficit grew to just under $30 billion in the third quarter.
  46. We called up three economists to ask how to eliminate the deficit and they obliged with very straightforward answers.
  47. Given the overriding need to cut the budget deficit, the administration will ask congress for only$ 15 million this summer.
  48. Both countries suffer from soaring unemployment, large budget deficits and wobbly financial sectors.
  49. The deficit in the US balance of payments put these considerations out of focus.
  50. He recovered from a 4-2 deficit to reach the quarter-finals.