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1. Increase.
2. Make better or more attractive.

Use 'enhance' in a sentence:

  1. Any holiday in the USA and Canada is enhanced by renting a self-drive car.
  2. But unlike meditation, craft activities result in tangible and often useful products that can enhance self-esteem.
  3. Even rudimentary feathers on forelimbs could have expanded the arm's surface area to enhance lift slightly.
  4. We may enhance our learning through dreaming.
  5. In 2004, a paper appeared in the journal Psychological Science, titled "Music Lessons Enhance IQ".
  6. They partner with technology companies to enhance teaching efficiency.
  7. Schools and prisons with craft programs report that they have a calming effect and enhance social skills.
  8. As a general rule, all muscular effort is enhanced by breathing in as the effort is made.
  9. Their sense of discipline is greatly enhanced.
  10. What should people do to enhance their sense of meaning?
  11. Glenn Schellenberg was doubtful about the claim that music education helps enhance children's intelligence.
  12. Even Cleopatra used gold ornaments to enhance her charm.
  13. One motive in imposing the new rule is to enhance bankers' sense of responsibility.
  14. By some studies, selective schools do enhance their graduates' lifetime earnings.
  15. For one person, the goal may be to be taken more seriously and enhance their professional image.
  16. This will enhance our operation effectiveness.
  17. Becteria in these communities also have an enhanced resistance to sanitizersand antibiotics compared to bacteria living on their own.
  18. To enhance his credibility with the audience, Larry had brought some slides of his family attending sports events.
  19. Not everyone agrees that programs that seek to enhance academic skills during the preschool years are a good thing.
  20. Sound engineers utilize a range of techniques to enhance the quality of the recordings.
  21. Feedback from the teachable agents further enhances the tutors' learning.
  22. A well-displayed meal is enhanced one hundred percent in my eyes," he later wrote in one of his cook books.
  23. They'll be keen to enhance their reputation abroad.
  24. The implication that marital infidelity enhances a leader's credibility is preposterous.
  25. A number of conditions enhance the likelihood that primary groups will arise.
  26. Some celebrities would do some work for charity to enhance their reputation.
  27. He believes his public repudiation of the conference decision will enhance his standing as a leader.
  28. The intimacy of the room was enhanced by its warm colours.
  29. But research indicates that not just light but also the physics of sound helped enhance this religious experience.
  30. Both of these assignments will allow the member to increase or enhance their listening skills.
  31. Imagine a drug that could enhance a child's creativity and critical thinking.
  32. I should be confident and enhance my ability to achieve my goal.
  33. A beautiful garden enhances the appearance of a house.
  34. Unlike meditation, craft activities result in tangible and often useful products that can enhance self-esteem.
  35. Japanese listeners sometimes close their eyes to enhance concentration.
  36. "Research now shows that regular quizzes, short essays, and other assignments over the course of a term better enhance learning and retention."
  37. The new Germany must rise to the challenge of its enhanced responsibilities.
  38. Many other processes may after the shell of a clam or snail and enhance its chances for preservation.
  39. Sports pleasure can be enhanced via carrying on shuttlecock game or badminton game through the ball.
  40. How might you enhance the structure?
  41. The White House is eager to protect and enhance that reputation.
  42. Large paintings can enhance the feeling of space in small rooms.
  43. This is an opportunity to enhance the reputation of the company.
  44. Her sparing use of make-up only seemed to enhance her classically beautiful features.
  45. Fourth, enhance exchanges of experience in improving energy efficiency and environment protection.
  46. The superb sets are enhanced by Bobby Crossman's marvellous costumes.
  47. Ego aside, a third advantage is that the emotional neutrality of indifferent relationships has been found to enhance critical evaluation, to strengthen one's focus on task resolution, and to gain greater access to valuable information.
  48. Many other processes may alter the shell of a clam or snail and enhance its chances for preservation.