1. A feeling of excitement.
2. Overflowing with enthusiasm.
3. A lively interest.
Use 'enthusiasm' in a sentence:
- 1. He spoke with unwonted enthusiasm.
- 2. She spoke with characteristic enthusiasm.
- 3. She infected the children with her enthusiasm for music.
- 4. The Second World War kindled his enthusiasm for politics.
- 5. I was struck by her youth and enthusiasm.
- 6. I can't work up any enthusiasm for his idea.
- 7. Her enthusiasm makes up for her lack of experience.
- 8. His enthusiasm knew no bounds.
- 9. University teachers generally have admitted a lack of enthusiasm about their subjects.
- 10. The talk had fired her with enthusiasm for the project.
- 11. They continued with undiminished enthusiasm.
- 12. She spoke without much enthusiasm.
- 13. He was praised for his enthusiasm and his open-mindedness.
- 14. John will be best remembered for his drive and enthusiasm.
- 15. The actors' enthusiasm inspired the kids.
- 16. Her enthusiasm for the whole idea was waning rapidly.
- 17. She radiates an infectious enthusiasm for everything she does.
- 18. We were all impressed by her enthusiasm.
- 19. Were there occasions when enthusiasm ebbed?
- 20. Nothing seems to dampen his perpetual enthusiasm.
- 21. He started to fizz with enthusiasm.
- 22. Results from market tests in the US and Europe show little enthusiasm for the product.
- 23. His enthusiasm was contagious.
- 24. She never lost her enthusiasm for teaching.
- 25. 'I don't mind,' she said, without much enthusiasm.
- 26. We like his attention to detail and his enthusiasm.
- 27. Janet Magnusson watched his approach without enthusiasm.
- 28. Enthusiasm is very catching.
- 29. She absolutely gushed enthusiasm.
- 30. She has an inexhaustible supply of enthusiasm.
- 31. As night fell, our enthusiasm began to ebb away.
- 32. Try to be as enthusiastic as possible (enthusiasm is catching)!
- 33. You'll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job.
- 34. The students were certainly not wanting in enthusiasm.
- 35. The actors inspired the kids with their enthusiasm.
- 36. None of the setbacks could dampen his enthusiasm for the project.
- 37. I really admire your enthusiasm.
- 38. She has shown enthusiasm in the performance of her duties.
- 39. The news was greeted with a lack of enthusiasm by those at the meeting.
- 40. In an excess of enthusiasm I agreed to work late.
- 41. My parents were concerned at my apparent lack of enthusiasm for school.
- 42. ‘ How wonderful! ’ she said with simulated enthusiasm.
- 43. She was brimful of energy and enthusiasm.
- 44. The performers had a manic energy and enthusiasm.
- 45. He spoke with typical enthusiasm.
- 46. I can't say I share your enthusiasm for the idea.