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1. Conformity with rules or standards.
2. The difference between the market value of a property and the claims held against it.
3. The ownership interest of shareholders in a corporation.

Use 'equity' in a sentence:

  1. Equity research associates analyze and report on financial trends using complex models.
  2. The outcomes revealed that there is positive relationship between endorser's credibility and brand equity's dimensions.
  3. Structural racism's barriers include "equity inequity", the absence of black capital formation that is a direct consequence of America's history.
  4. Equity Valuation 、 Accounting Information 、 Fair Value: Model and Implication.
  5. If you're investing with a long time horizon, having an equity bias makes sense, stocks go up in the long run.
  6. These are invested mainly in the OECD bonds and equities.
  7. Financing structure includes capital structure, equity structure and debt structure.
  8. So, you could agree to pay in equity.
  9. A Study on Exit Mechanism of Private Equity Fund in China.
  10. Aristotle proposes to cure such hardships by means of equity.
  11. They shared the work of the house with equity.
  12. But which equity yield?
  13. Economic equity and social justice must be continued to keep.
  14. It was easier to issue debt than equity.
  15. They took equity out of their homes.
  16. Target Selection and Coordination of Equity and Efficiency in Tianjin Development.
  17. Analysis on the External Equity Transfer of Limited Liability Company.
  18. According to a study of Race & Equity in Education, black athletes are dropping out of college across the country at alarming rates.
  19. How much equity will they get in return?
  20. Hence the focus on private equity.
  21. Batman may win every hand, but equity investors should still fear the Joker.
  22. Today’s equity slump erased the month-to-date gain in the S&P 500.
  23. Private equity appreciates cash flow.
  24. Non-equity funding has to come from personal sources, or government grants, or bank loans.
  25. Equities of the company are raising.
  26. Equity and quality: value of the new financing mechanisms for rural compulsory education.
  27. The profit motive is inherently at odds with principles of fairness and equity.
  28. The social equity and the system innovation.
  29. According to a study of race and equity in education, black athletes are dropping out of college across the country at alarming rates.
  30. Main Differences in the Old and New Accounting Standards Relating Long-term Equity Investment.
  31. Most homeowners can get a federal income tax deduction on interest payments to a home equity loan.
  32. Home equity and credit card use climb.
  33. According to a national survey in the UK, 82% of people over 55 said they would prefer to give financial support to their children or grandchildren before they die. 44% said they would consider releasing equity of inheritance tax, tax paid on inherited money or property.
  34. Investors have poured money into US equities.
  35. If Mr Bowers is right, low government-bond yields could lose their appeal and equities could rebound.
  36. Direct investment to equity of enterprises and take part in their management and business.
  37. Information Equity, Social Efficiency and Library.
  38. Mixed signals make private equity a tough industry to predict.
  39. The private-equity industry, the bête noire of many a European politician, managed just $81 billion of buy-outs.
  40. They are also advantage of the global rebound in equities.
  41. The Study of Introducing Private Equity Capital Financing in Xinjiang.
  42. The private-equity industry is the bête noire of many a European politician.
  43. Understanding of private equity in China could deepen over time, however.
  44. Returns on equity have topped 20%.
  45. What is health equity in all policies?
  46. This is called the equity premium.
  47. They were the pioneers of gender equity, in their useful, adaptable clothing, which was both made for the masses and capable of self-expression.
  48. In order to promote education equity, China has invested 36 billion to improve rural educational facilities and strengthen the rural compulsory education in the central and western regions.
  49. One school thinks that, even in cases of negative equity, most homeowners will not default if they can afford the payments.
  50. The company does not bet its own money on equities, and so is shielded from market risk.
  51. An Ordinary Equity Module impacts the Balance Sheet in four ways, one of which is Non-Current Liability.
  52. We base this call on grounds of social justice and equity.
  53. To capture his equity, Murphy must either sell or refinance.
  54. Such findings suggest that one person's equity is another's inequity, so an ideal should probably weigh different inputs and outcomes according to employee group.
  55. The merged banks reckon to raise 4 billion dollars of new equity next year.