1. Remove from memory or existence.
2. Remove by or as if by rubbing or erasing.
3. Wipe out magnetically recorded information.
erase Image.
Use 'erase' in a sentence:
- 1. He was in the studio tearfully erasing all the tapes he'd slaved over.
- 2. Can I erase three boards at a time?
- 3. Because I can't erase you from my mind.
- 4. All the phone numbers had been erased.
- 5. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth.
- 6. He then drew a line down the middle of the courtyard Make this line shorter without erasing any part of it," the king challenged.
- 7. Love was a word he'd erased from his vocabulary since Susan's going.
- 8. All doubts were suddenly erased from his mind.
- 9. Please erase my name from the list.
- 10. The recording of the talk has been erased.
- 11. Formatting data area will erase all the media contents. Continue?
- 12. Erase these types of thoughts from your mind.
- 13. Can we erase this? Actually, I may not erase this.
- 14. It was unfortunate that she had erased the message.
- 15. I have a dry-erase calendar for my monthly schedule.
- 16. including displaying a message, erasing files or subtly altering stored data.
- 17. I wished I could erase that memory, if possible.
- 18. I have no desire to erase or deny my history.
- 19. A literary image erases the more indolent images of perception.
- 20. They are desperate to erase the memory of that last defeat in Cardiff.
- 21. I'm going to erase this.
- 22. The blow on his head erased the details of the accident from his mind.
- 23. As a result, it is important to be able to deal with them when they occur, and to take actions to erase them.
- 24. Electrically Erasable, Prograable Read-Only Memory--PROM. A type of ROM that can be erased electronically.
- 25. While modeling, delete nonvisible faces and erase extra lines.
- 26. His name was erased from the list.
- 27. Have them check off or erase each item once it's completed.
- 28. Try as I might, I cannot erase such a terrible experience from my memory.
- 29. You can write on them like a chalkboard and then erase when you are done.
- 30. He tried to erase the idea from his mind.
- 31. Meditation won't miraculously erase your stress overnight.
- 32. Parts of the recording have been erased.
- 33. To erase one or more border lines, supply the sum of those values.
- 34. She tried to erase the memory of that evening.
- 35. Unwanted recordings may simply be erased by demagnetizing.
- 36. For the other half, the last test can erase the previous one.
- 37. The recording can be erased and the tape used again.
- 38. No controversy will erase the historic impact.
- 39. Finally, he offered to walk me through the use of a different CD, one that would erase my entire system.
- 40. This command erases all data on the specified partition.
- 41. The marks left by shoes are hard to erase.
- 42. An intruder broke into the campaign headquarters and managed to erase 17,000 names from computer files.
- 43. Erase the entire environment.
- 44. There is no way to erase what I have done.
- 45. Half a dozen nephews shall erase her title, please Heaven!
- 46. How can you erase reality?
- 47. Don't expect apologies to erase your wrongdoings.
- 48. She couldn't erase the terrible experience from her memory.
- 49. It appears the names were accidentally erased from computer disks.
- 50. Your Majesty, "the baker said to the king, I can make your line shorter without erasing any part of it."
- 51. They are desperate to erase the memory of that last defeat.
- 52. You cannot erase injustice from the world.
- 53. He had erased the wrong word.
- 54. You can erase pencil marks with a rubber.