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1. Money paid out.
2. The act of spending money for goods or services.
3. The act of consuming something.

Use 'expenditure' in a sentence:

  1. You might have a major expenditure in mind.
  2. An expenditure for clothing will qualify as a trade or business expense.
  3. They should cut their expenditure on defence.
  4. Money was plentiful, and rarely did anyone seem very bothered about levels of expenditure.
  5. Educational expenditure is often expressed in terms of the amount spent per student.
  6. Expenditure on the project breaks down as follows: wages $10m, plant $4m, raw materials $5m.
  7. Public expenditure was running at 44 . 6 % of GNP.
  8. His expenditure on pleasure and luxuries is rather high in proportion to his income.
  9. They will be concerned to cut back expenditure on unnecessary items.
  10. The main lines of the plan were a reduction in expenditure and the rationalization of government controls.
  11. I'm getting short of money. I have to draw in my expenditure.
  12. Expenditure this year should be just under 15 billion pounds.
  13. The reckoning up of revenue and expenditure shows a small surplus.
  14. We must cut back on expenditure in order to remain solvent.
  15. He balanced his budgets by rigid control over public expenditure.
  16. The expenditure of energy is essentially a process of budgeting, just as finances are budgeted.
  17. A government's revenue and expenditure should be balanced.
  18. The monthly expenditure of our family is four hundred dollars altogether.
  19. The rise in interest rates acted as a brake on expenditure.
  20. Record every expenditure you make.
  21. We must try our best to regulate our expenditure.
  22. Income must govern expenditure.
  23. Expenditure on education has gone up by seven point eight per cent over and above inflation.
  24. People often put money aside in order to save up enough to make one major expenditure.
  25. The state does not collect enough revenue to cover its expenditure.
  26. My expenditure is conditioned by my income.
  27. Cuts in government expenditure are politically unpopular.
  28. I should point out that these estimates cover just the hospital expenditures.
  29. Capital expenditure can be financed by borrowing; operating expenditure should not.
  30. Government expenditure is financed by taxation and by borrowing.
  31. The policy tried to check the exponential growth of public expenditure.
  32. It is questionable whether the expenditure on this project is really justified.
  33. For the economy to be in equilibrium, income must equal expenditure.
  34. Righting the economy will demand major cuts in expenditure.
  35. The entry of all expenditure is necessary.
  36. You must ask permission for all major expenditure.
  37. In times of financial stringency it is clear that public expenditure has to be closely scrutinized.
  38. One aim of these reforms is effective defence with minimal expenditure.
  39. "It's already a huge problem from a public expenditure perspective for the whole country," he says, "We need to take a magnifying glass to that."
  40. The computer was my largest single item of expenditure.
  41. You will have to render an account of your expenditure.
  42. The poor are taking advantage of this edict to marry off their daughters without enormous expenditure while they can.
  43. The specific expenditure commitment will be by no means the only one the department might undertake.
  44. Public expenditure on the arts is woefully inadequate.
  45. Policies of tax reduction must lead to reduced public expenditure.
  46. The budget provided for a total expenditure of £ 27 billion.
  47. He also undertook to earmark $ 235 billion in government expenditure on infrastructure projects within five years.
  48. In fact, in line with past experience, capital expenditure in the oil sector has dropped sharply in many producing countries, including the United States.
  49. The budget provided for a total expenditure of £27 billion.
  50. Public expenditure was being stretched to the limit by having to support 3 million unemployed people.
  51. The financial rewards justified the expenditure of effort.
  52. Capital expenditure was treble the 2002 level.
  53. By comparison, expenditure on education increased last year.
  54. There have been cries of outrage about this expenditure.
  55. A change in the money supply brings a corresponding change in expenditure.
  56. Expenditure on health in most of these countries has gone down, and the same is true for education.
  57. Government expenditures absorbed nearly three-fourths of the national income.
  58. This study represents a major expenditure of time and effort.
  59. He is rigorous in his control of expenditure.