Definition: 1. Something that you feel through the mind or through the senses. 2. A physical sensation that you experience. 3. The idea or belief that a particular thing is true or a particular situation is likely to happen.
Use 'feeling' in a sentence:
1. He played the piano with great feeling.
2. She had never tried to put this feeling into words.
3. I'm feeling a little tipsy.
4. He was prompted to a rare outburst of feeling.
5. After the accident he had no feeling in his legs.
6. She was feeling dissatisfied with her lot.
7. Focus on the feeling of relaxation.
8. That's what we tried to portray in the book, this feeling of opulence and grandeur.
9. I don't want any hard feelings between our companies.
10. Strong feelings of pride welled up in me.
11. I was feeling chilly.
12. The experience left her feeling absolutely shattered.
13. I woke up feeling like shit.
14. I've got a tight feeling in my stomach.
15. Right now I'm feeling very excited.
16. He has no respect, no regard for anyone's feelings.
17. It seemed that anti-Fascist feeling was not being encouraged.
18. He was afraid of hurting my feelings.
19. How are you feeling now?
20. I was feeling uncomfortably hot.
21. There's been some bad feeling between the two families.
22. Cathy was really feeling the heat.
23. You seem to have a feeling for drawing.
24. He owned to a feeling of guilt.
25. Thomas never lost his feeling for Harriet.
26. ‘I'm going to miss you. ’ ‘The feeling's mutual (= I feel exactly the same) . ’
27. ‘I really resent the way he treated me. ’ ‘I know the feeling (= I know how you feel) . ’
28. It gave me a feeling of satisfaction.
29. He suddenly had the feeling of being followed.
30. She was left feeling inept and inadequate.
31. She's feeling a little homesick.
32. I don't have any strong feelings about it one way or the other.
33. I am completely energized and feeling terrific.
34. I awoke feeling rested and refreshed.
35. I'm not feeling very well.
36. He held out his large hand. 'No hard feelings, right?'
37. I have also begun to reassess my own feelings about being a woman.
38. She was feeling tired and weepy.
39. There is still some feeling in the art world that the market for such works may be declining.
40. I am feeling very depressed.
41. I had the terrible feeling of being left behind to bring up the baby while he had fun.
42. .a voice that trembles with feeling.
43. I have a feeling that everything will come right for us one day.
44. Try to tell what this is just by feeling it.
45. He awoke feeling completely refreshed.
46. A feeling of unease nagged at her.
47. Try to get a feeling for the people who live here.
48. You have a feeling about people, and I just felt she was going to be good.
49. He'd been feeling blue all week.
50. The general feeling of the meeting was against the decision.
51. I've lost all feeling in my legs.
52. Are you feeling all right?
53. I also had a strange feeling in my neck.
54. I was feeling fine when I got up this morning.
55. I'm feeling a lot better today.
56. I'm feeling a good deal better.
57. I'm feeling a whole lot better.
58. I'm glad (that) you're feeling better.
59. I'm feeling miles better today, thanks.
60. It's incredible that Peter can behave with such stupid lack of feeling.
61. She has strong feelings about the alleged growth in violence against female officers.
62. The drug produces a feeling of excitement.
63. I've been feeling under stress lately.
64. The industry is feeling the effects of recent price rises.