Definition: 1. A supporter of feminism. 2. Of or relating to or advocating equal rights for women.
Use 'feminist' in a sentence:
1. The Ms. party was one of many in a hectic season of feminist nightlife in Manhattan.
2. What does the word 'feminist' conjure up for you?
3. Feminist Translation and the Feasibility of Its Development in the Chinese Context.
4. Clamored feminist woman is empty bottle.
5. Lots of husbands consider themselves feminists.
6. Is Socrates a feminist?
7. There is, however, unease in feminist circles.
8. The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women.
9. What does the word "feminist" conjure up for you?
10. Feminist ideas are interrelated with philosophical ideas.
11. She had brought a book, a feminist critique of Victorian lady novelists.
12. She followed the feminist movement.
13. Main supporting force behind this reform is radical feminist law school.
14. Eleanor Smeal is a's rights activist and founder of the Feminist Majority Foundation in Arlington, Virginia.
15. Feminist Comparative Study of " Poems for Plough and Weave " and " Four Seasons of Pastoral Thoughts "
16. Some feminists sought reforms within the existing social order.
17. The origin of the world feminist movement in Europe and America.
18. Sylvia Plath has become a heroine and martyr of the feminist movement.
19. The Color Purple is a prominent black feminist novel.
20. She was increasingly seen as a strident feminist.
21. She's no right to call herself a feminist.
22. If you think everything is fine for women, you don't need to be a feminist.
23. The labour movement has been assailed by accusations of sexism and demands for change from feminists.
24. His campaign attracted the support of feminists, peaceniks and ecologists.
25. Like the Western feminist critique of the Freudian model of the human psyche, the Korean critique finds Freudian theory culture-bound, but in ways different from those cited by Western theorists.
26. Some feminists had attempted to politicize personal life.
27. The third section criticizes economic security theory and hence explains feminist economic security theory.
28. Feminism may have liberated the feminists, but it has still to change the lives of the majority of women.
29. He has strong feminist opinions.
30. The Development of Media Industry Reading TV Media through the Feminist Angle.
31. Only 16 per cent of young women in a 1990 survey considered themselves feminists.
32. In recent years, feminists, historians and artists have all praised Merian's tenacity, talent and inspirational artistic compositions.
33. From then on, feminist studies on literature boomed.
34. I am a feminist. I'm a Lacanian.
35. A lot of people's eyes glaze over if you say you are a feminist.
36. She produced a feminist tract, "Comments on Birth-Control," in 1930.
37. She produced a feminist tract, 'Comments on Birth-Control', in 1930.
38. I'm not a feminist, quite the contrary.
39. She makes no reference to any feminist work other than her own.
40. They thought the feminist label was too worthy.
41. She used the newspaper column as a platform for her feminist views.
42. To feminists she is a classic victim of the patriarchal society.
43. The first paragraph of his paper was about the history of the feminist movement.
44. Only 16 percent of young women in a 1990 survey considered themselves feminists.
45. She's not feminist with a capital F but she's fairly controversial.
46. Gloria Steinen effectively combined women's advocacy with journalism and feminist politics.
47. I shall nail my colours firmly to the mast on this subject — as a feminist I find movies like this offensive.