1. Command against.
2. Keep from happening or arising; have the effect of preventing.
Use 'forbid' in a sentence:
- 1. Brazil's constitution forbids the military use of nuclear energy.
- 2. If, God forbid, something goes wrong, I don't know what I would do.
- 3. The staff are forbidden to tender for private-sector work.
- 4. She was expressly forbidden to touch my papers.
- 5. To do things you would forbid.
- 6. Regulations now forbid any new construction within 500 metres of the site.
- 7. Heaven forbid that he should leave because of me!
- 8. I forbid you the house.
- 9. Forbid it Almighty God!
- 10. New state rules forbid waiters to serve water without asking first.
- 11. Go where you please, but don't come here, I forbid it!
- 12. The country was forbidden to rearm under the terms of the treaty.
- 13. Ministry of Railways rules effectively forbid foreign companies from bidding.
- 14. There was something a little severe and forbidding about her face.
- 15. Iwould forbid myself if I sold the property of my fathers.
- 16. And that code might (god forbid) conflict with my code!
- 17. Even if copyright permits noncommercial sharing, the EULA may forbid it.
- 18. We were forbidden, under pain of imprisonment, to use our native language.
- 19. You can then choose to allow or forbid your browser to run each one.
- 20. No laws forbid payment to volunteers.
- 21. Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Sweden forbid it outright.
- 22. They were forbidden to unionize.
- 23. Does International Law Forbid the Application of Death Penalty.
- 24. No. I forbid it. You cannot.
- 25. It means "forbid someone to do something."
- 26. Lionel has forbidden her ever to mention that name again under his roof.
- 27. Statically forbid polymorphic recursion.
- 28. There is one thing that we did not forbid in our policy.
- 29. Forbid it, Almighty God!
- 30. Brazil says its constitution forbids the private ownership of energy assets.
- 31. They were not forbidden to intermarry with the local people.
- 32. Divorce? It was such a forbidden word.
- 33. This Man must be found and told that I forbid him to raise the dead.
- 34. Some countries began to reform their legal systems and forbid research into human cloning.
- 35. She was shut away and forbidden to read.
- 36. "It is difficult," said Cinnamon, "to forbid a tiger anything it wants."
- 37. Apple might decide to forbid certain types of speech all on its own.
- 38. Naturally, if a soldier wants to smoke we can't forbid this.
- 39. The Church's canon law forbids remarriage of divorced persons.
- 40. We're embarrassed, and we don't want to be, God forbid, hypocrites.
- 41. I forbid him to do that.
- 42. Photography is strictly forbidden in the museum.
- 43. They'll forbid you to marry.
- 44. The conversation was in danger of wandering into forbidden territory.
- 45. My doctor has forbidden me sugar.
- 46. I forbid anyone to touch that clock.
- 47. The house looked dark and forbidding.
- 48. Smoking is strictly forbidden.
- 49. In the interest of safety, smoking is forbidden.
- 50. His own pride forbids him to ask Arthur's help.
- 51. The war was a forbidden subject.
- 52. This was a forbidden area for foreigners.