Definition: 1. A small part or item forming a piece of a whole. 2. A component of a mixture that has been separated by a fractional process. 3. The quotient of two rational numbers. 4. Perform a division.
Use 'fraction' in a sentence:
1. The stakes are higher for me to share data because it's a bigger fraction of what's happening in my lab.
2. These 50,000 arrears cases represent a tiny fraction of all home owners.
3. The goods will be sold for a fraction of their value in order to discharge the debt.
4. I opened my eyes just a fraction.
5. She hesitated for a fraction of a second before responding.
6. It is simply wrong and unfair that most children have a fraction of the access to choirs, orchestras, art studios and drama that their more privileged peers enjoy.
7. "The stakes are higher to share data because it's a bigger fraction of what's happening in my lab."
8. What little I know isn't even a fraction of what he knows.
9. What fractions of NPP are invested in allelochemic substances in different communities?
10. The value of a fraction is inversely proportional to that of the denominator.
11. The question asks you to decimalize the fraction ⅞.
12. Difference of opinion broke up the party into fractions.
13. It's usually a small fraction of the total.
14. Unless smokers are consistently located near more hospitable warm-water vents, chemosynthesis can account for only a fraction of the vent faunas.
15. If a stranger stops you, just wind the window down a fraction.
16. Their economy is still a fraction of ours.
17. Only a small fraction of the creatures that die are preserved in this way.
18. In the internet age, at least in theory, this fraction can be much reduced.
19. Please open the train [ car] window a bit [ crack; fraction].
20. While these buildings could be renovated at a fraction of the cost of rebuilding the Cathedral, planners are more likely to knock them down and rebuild.
21. After five treatments, there has been dramatic improvement in my arm, and the pain is a fraction of what it was.
22. This represents only a fraction of the couples who want a divorce.
23. Round off that fraction to a whole number.
24. However using light to find one's own way around requires vastly more energy, since the eyes have to detect the tiny fraction of the light that bounces off each part of the scene.
25. The cost is only a fraction of his salary.
26. In order to make a nuclear explosion, the critical mass must come together within a fraction of a millionth of a second.
27. Only a small fraction of the population was literate, but the production of books grew at an extraordinary speed.
28. Since tobacco as one of the biggest causes of premature death in the UK, a measure that tames the habit even by a fraction is worth trying.
29. These days conservation is all about efficiency: getting the same—or better—results from just a fraction of the energy.
30. Here's how to eat like the stars, at a fraction of the cost.
31. The fraction was then multiplied by 100 and rounded to the nearest half or whole number.
32. ¾ and ⅝ are vulgar fractions.
33. Open the window a fraction, please.
34. The stakes are higher to share data because it's a bigger fraction of what's happening in my lab.
35. Since tobacco is one of the biggest causes of premature death in the UK, a measure that tames the habit even by a fraction is worth trying.
36. When you spend $90 for a pair of Nike sneakers, only a fraction of it flows to China and even less to workers there.
37. The circle is divided into sections, and each section represents a fraction of the data.
38. Yet spending on ads carried over cell-phone networks last year amounted to just $1.5 billion worldwide, a fraction of the $424 billion global ad market.
39. "We saw this fish pounce a couple of times," says photographer Tim Laman. "His mouth shot out and back in a fraction of a second."
40. Erodible soil fractions are usually dislodged from projections and trapped in depression.
41. And we can time the landing with the precision of a fraction of a second.
42. You may also want to only do detailed logging on a random fraction of requests and extrapolate from there.
43. Fake designer watches are sold at a fraction of the price of the genuine article.
44. If we could power such an elevator with solar energy, we could simply rise up into space for a fraction of the cost of a trip by rocket or shuttle.
45. Only a tiny fraction of Americans change any behaviors in an effort to preserve their privacy.
46. The crop represents a tiny fraction of U.S. production.
47. The graph is commonly used to show percentages; the whole pie represents l00 percent, so each piece is a fraction of the whole.
48. They have built robots that can recognize the error of a machine panel by a fraction of a millimeter in a controlled factory environment.
49. She hesitated for the merest fraction of a second.
50. Only a small fraction of a bank's total deposits will be withdrawn at any one time.
51. The students had a grasp of decimals, percentages and fractions.
52. A second-hand car costs a fraction of a new one.
53. The message arrives in your brain in a fraction of a second.