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1. Something that encourages a process or activity to develop more quickly.
2. The force or energy with which something moves.

Use 'impetus' in a sentence:

  1. Children need an impetus to study.
  2. The present conflict may provide fresh impetus for peace talk.
  3. This is the primary impetus behind the economic recovery.
  4. Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom won t provide much impetus.
  5. Innovation is the impetus to the development of finance.
  6. And some people take this a step further, and they hypothesize that this migration actually provided an important impetus in the development of ancient Egypt.
  7. Bubbles also normally need a trigger event to give them impetus.
  8. The impetus for such a plan was simple.
  9. Short-term to that university. This kind of study tour can help potential overseas students build a fairly good visa record, which may do some good when applying for student visa in the future. At the same time, it may serve as an impetus for students to study harder.
  10. The consequent collisions with state power weakened its impetus.
  11. Analysis of Impetus Mechanism of Information Science Development.
  12. Technical innovation gives a great impetus to that of the supply system.
  13. Impetus of IT technology?
  14. This is an encouragement [ impetus] to us.
  15. The Analysis on Impetus of the Government Innovation.
  16. Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom won't provide much impetus.
  17. It is an important impetus to the development of society.
  18. The Summary of Theory on the Impetus to the Development of Society.
  19. On security grounds, the impetus may be justified.
  20. Deep processing is the development impetus of the seafood processing enterprises.
  21. Cities are impetus of social development and outcome of economic progress.
  22. Thereafter, the impetus for manned flight was lost.
  23. It is undoubtedly a strong impetus to the Chinese fashion field.
  24. Nor has it provided much impetus to incipient or ongoing peace processes.
  25. Technology innovation is the impetus of economy development.
  26. The analysis of impetus to the evolution of information management patterns.
  27. Technology innovation is the essential impetus for enterprises even for the society.
  28. Information Technology Gives Impetus to the Development of DCS in Power Plants.
  29. A powerful impetus for all this comes from its Asian neighbourhood.
  30. We need to be creative with our development approaches, to shift from the traditional export and factor-driven economy, to one based on innovation and reform, and to project a new impetus reform.
  31. This is an encouragement [impetus] to us.
  32. It is good for the impetus of good work achievements.
  33. The civil war provided an impetus to michigan's growth.
  34. High Clear Digital Technique to Television Program Impetus and Influence.
  35. The impetus for growth goes to the heart of the challenges of a global economy.
  36. Information application has been the main impetus for social development in 21 century.
  37. This will give a great impetus to the ASEM process.
  38. Need further impetus?
  39. The dream gave me the impetus to move forward.
  40. Because of the barrier of ice to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and populated areas to the north, there may have been a greater impetus for people to move in a southerly direction.
  41. It's true that Barcelona [process] was lingering, there was lack of impetus.
  42. The impetus comes in part from new evidence.
  43. Eurocrats hope it will create new impetus.
  44. Financial Innovation has given impetus to financial development and promoted the economic progress.
  45. And it is growing with almost unbelievable impetus, both in content and in users.
  46. This is the basic impetus to build such system.
  47. China-South Korea relations are facing an opportunity of great development. To inject fresh impetus ties is an issue for both countries and a major task of my trip.
  48. She was restless and needed a new impetus for her talent.
  49. One impetus for the policy is that companies are already starting to build massive constellations, comprising hundreds or thousands of satellites with many moving parts among them.
  50. The debate seems to have lost much of its initial impetus.
  51. By 1982, she was restless and needed a new impetus for her talent.
  52. This decision will give renewed impetus to the economic regeneration of east London.
  53. His articles provided the main impetus for change.