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1. The act of intervening (as to mediate a dispute)
2. A policy of intervening in the affairs of other countries.
3. (law) a proceeding that permits a person to enter into a lawsuit already in progress; admission of person not an original party to the suit so that person can protect some right or interest that is allegedly affected by the proceedings.

Use 'intervention' in a sentence:

  1. The pound continued to sag despite four interventions by the Bank of England.
  2. Of course, when the markets came crashing down in 2007, it was decisive government intervention that saved the day.
  3. "In academic circles, people take aging research as just an interest area where they can try to develop interventions."
  4. Does this round of intervention mark a return to socialism; or even the old mixed economy?
  5. The government's intervention in this dispute will not help.
  6. Today, river discharges are increasingly controlled by human intervention, creating a need for international river-basin agreements.
  7. But in order to maintain a credible threat of intervention, we have to maintain a credible alliance.
  8. Human interventions fell from 0.8 times per thousand miles to 0.2, a 400% improvement.
  9. Yet the AFL's voluntarism had accommodated certain exceptions: the AFL had supported government intervention on behalf of injured workers and child laborers.
  10. Still, the results of the evaluation were promising, suggesting that the potential benefits of early intervention can be substantial.
  11. What those workers, and the economy overall, need is more resilience-enhancing liberalization, not more government intervention.
  12. The paper has done much to tilt American public opinion in favour of intervention.
  13. We know that over the past millennia the climate has undergone major changes without any significant human intervention.
  14. A native of France, de Rugy supported government intervention early in her life but changed her mind after studying economics.
  15. According to a report, Google's self-driving cars clocked 1,023,330 km, and required human intervention 124 times.
  16. And what kind of interventions might help children do better?
  17. The council recently drew fire for its intervention in the dispute.
  18. The prime minister was right to counsel caution about military intervention.
  19. This is due in large part to continual state intervention through centrally planned investment.
  20. We create an opportunity for assessment and intervention, to help clients and communities cope effectively with their reality and change that reality when necessary.
  21. In Norway, after an intervention campaign was introduced nationally, an evaluation of forty-two schools suggested that, over a two-year period, bullying was halved.
  22. It calls for our intervention in tourist behavior that destroys public facilities and the environment.
  23. Learn intervention techniques.
  24. Peter Smith, Professor of Psychology at the University of Sheffield, directed the Sheffield Anti-Bullying Intervention Project, funded by the Department for Education.
  25. Military intervention will only aggravate the conflict even further.
  26. Many people felt he would be hostile to the idea of foreign intervention.
  27. China has registered a protest over foreign intervention.
  28. Further heavy intervention would be throwing good money after bad.
  29. How much strategic intervention takes place in the economy?
  30. For two decades the country has been ravaged by civil war and foreign intervention.
  31. He had timed his intervention well.
  32. Back at the park, Bianchi's intervention on her son's behalf ended in an undignified exchange of insulting words with the other boy's mother.
  33. Greater government intervention in businesses would represent a step backwards.
  34. The weight of the evidence is on the side of pre-K that early intervention works.
  35. One advantage of pitfall traps is that they can be used to collect over a period of time with minimal maintenance and intervention.
  36. Son intervention a soulev é l'indignation g é n é rale.
  37. Social intervention is critical.
  38. That is one intervention about every 8,047 km of autonomous driving.
  39. Early intervention is key.
  40. The framework will automatically locate and execute files for you, without requiring any manual intervention.
  41. No amount of sophistry can justify one country's intervention in the internal affairs of another country.
  42. In advocating this approach, Deborah Gordon cites experiments in which intervention in a colony's makeup perturbed worker activity.
  43. A newer hormonal intervention used in Europe is use of GnRH analogs such as nafarelin or buserelin.
  44. The representatives were wise to counsel caution about miliary intervention.
  45. Sandiford says that there is increasing evidence that female education, at any age, is "an important health intervention in its own right".
  46. One intervention, consumption of a low-calorie yet nutritionally balanced diet, works incredibly well in a broad range of animals, increasing longevity and prolonging good health.
  47. They are sympathetic to the West but do not want any military intervention.
  48. There were no significant differences in urine 8-isoprostanes among 3 groups before or after intervention(P>0.05).
  49. We will never accomodate ourselves to acts of aggression and intervention out of consideration for our relations with the power in question.
  50. He favoured a middle course between free enterprise and state intervention.
  51. Only the intervention of powerful friends obtained her release.
  52. She is a professional economist and therefore schooled in the arguments against that sort of state intervention.
  53. The incident was used as a pretext for intervention in the area.
  54. That does not require "massive" military intervention, as some have mischievously claimed.