Definition: 1. A copy of a book, piece of music, etc. before it has been printed. 2. A very old book or document that was written by hand before printing was invented. 3. The form of a literary work submitted for publication. 4. Handwritten book or document.
manuscript Image.
Use 'manuscript' in a sentence:
1. Authors may write for months or years to finish a manuscript.
2. That bound volume of Lett's diary has now disappeared with the blue manuscript book.
3. However, if Mona Lisa was a famous novel, few people would bother to go to a museum to read the writer's actual manuscript rather than a printed reproduction.
4. In accordance with this kind of purism came an emphasis on studying composers' manuscript notations, a relatively new field of musicology that is flourishing even today.
5. The manuscript of my grandpa's novel disappeared in the war.
6. The manuscript was emended by the author.
7. The manuscript had already been sent off to the printers.
8. A manuscript is the text an author produces for publication.
9. Please make a fair copy of the manuscript.
10. It had been discovered that the book was a palimpsest, and beneath the surface writing of the manuscript laid, guess what?
11. A deluge of manuscripts began to arrive in the post.
12. I must return this manuscript to the author.
13. He had decided to publish the manuscript no matter what.
14. She tears a manuscript apart.
15. I had the oversight of their collection of books and manuscripts.
16. The manuscript had already been sent off to the printer.
17. The manuscript is no longer complete.
18. This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence.
19. The manuscript is just one of the treasures in their possession.
20. The lines were interpolated into the manuscript at a later date.
21. This weekend, there's no more need to practice your accio manuscript spells, as the wait for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child will be over.
22. He made several deletions to the manuscript.
23. The editors have polished the manuscript.
24. It was a relief that his real name hadn't been appended to the manuscript.
25. Evidently, however, Hurston had prepared another version, a manuscript that was recently discovered and published after having been forgotten since 1929.
26. Seventeen publishers rejected the manuscript before Jenks saw its potential.
27. The manuscript will go to press early next month.
28. At his death he left a great mass of undigested manuscripts.
29. How did Smith feel after reading the French manuscript?
30. Nevertheless, the presence of floral-patterned rugs in court scenes from two paintings in a 1440s Timurid manuscript suggests that floral-patterned rugs were already being used at that time.
31. To avoid further damage to the manuscript, the research team at the art museum has had to be extremely selective in the techniques they used to see the original writing.
32. More than half of the manuscript is completed.
33. An editor reads the manuscript.
34. Finally, the author sends the completed manuscript to a publisher.
35. This manuscript dates back to the 8th century.
36. He had seen a manuscript of the book.
37. The last part of the manuscript is lost.
38. The finished manuscript ran to the best part of fifty double-sided pages.
39. Manuscript will be flagged up for additional scrutiny by the journal's internal editors, or by its existing Board of Reviewing Editors or by outside peer reviewers.
40. Please return at your earliest convenience the manuscript [ draft; material] submitted to you for approval.
41. A medieval manuscript called L contains all eighteen extant tragedies by the Greek playwright Euripides.
42. Two fourteenth-century manuscripts of this text are still extant.
43. I read her poems in manuscript.
44. The manuscripts were written in the composer's own hand.
45. I am grateful to him for letting me read his early chapters in manuscript.
46. Her text is believed to be the oldest surviving manuscript by a female physician.
47. This manuscript is so good that it deserves publication.
48. These odd assertions were interpolated into the manuscript some time after 1400.