Definition: 1. Used when you are not certain that something will happen or that something is true or is a correct number. 2. Used when making a suggestion. 3. By chance.
Use 'maybe' in a sentence:
1. "Is she coming back?"—"Maybe. No one hears from her."
2. Maybe this year I'll sow brilliant annuals everywhere.
3. Maybe I'm just coming into my prime now.
4. Maybe you'd better tell me what this is all about.
5. Maybe he sincerely wanted to help his country.
6. Maybe we can go to the movies or something.
7. Maybe she would talk to her mother one day, woman to woman.
8. Wait a while, maybe a few days.
9. I can't see you now— some other time , maybe.
10. You've fractured a rib, maybe more than one.
11. Maybe if you tell me a little about her?
12. Maybe she is in love.
13. People are still hanging out drinking beer, maybe shooting some pool.
14. Well, maybe it would be easier to start with a smaller problem.
15. Maybe I eat too much and that's what makes me dozy.
16. Maybe if we could go someplace together, just you and I.
17. Maybe I could come over to your house before the party?
18. Maybe this guy isn't so squeaky clean after all.
19. Maybe I just took it too hard.
20. Things are maybe not as good as they should be.
21. The men were maybe a hundred feet away and coming closer.
22. Well, maybe I stumped you on that one.
23. I do think about having children, maybe when I'm 40.
24. Maybe there is a curse on my family.
25. Maybe he's trying to cool off out there in the rain.
26. Maybe we should adopt the policy of "don't ask, don't tell."
27. Maybe we ought to go down to the library and check it out.
28. I thought maybe we could go together.
29. Maybe they've just gone shopping.
30. Maybe you should socialize more.
31. We go there maybe once or twice a month.
32. Maybe you should tell her.
33. It will cost two, maybe three hundred pounds.
34. Maybe he intends to leave her.
35. Maybe he'll come, maybe he won't.
36. Maybe we'll meet again some time.
37. I can't see you now ─ some other time, maybe.
38. If you wish really hard, maybe you'll get what you want.
39. Let's eat now and maybe we could catch a movie later.