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1. A small animal that is covered in fur and has a long thin tail. Mice live in fields, in people's houses or where food is stored.
2. A hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad; on the bottom of the mouse is a ball that rolls on the surface of the pad.
3. To go stealthily or furtively.

Use 'mouse' in a sentence:

  1. She suddenly felt panicky like a mouse cornered by a hungry cat.
  2. Highlight the chosen area by clicking and holding down the left mouse button.
  3. Mice are born naked.
  4. What do you think of the mouse?
  5. He needs a mouse pad.
  6. A little Mouse peeped out of his hole.
  7. 'Any holes in the kitchen where the mice are getting through?' – 'I've blocked them up.'
  8. One day a little mouse was thirsty.
  9. I held the mouse by its tail.
  10. "It is dreadfully cold," said the Mouse.
  11. She crept downstairs quiet as a mouse.
  12. The Mouse only growled in reply.
  13. She crept upstairs, quiet as a mouse.
  14. He moves the cursor, clicks the mouse.
  15. This is not a Mickey Mouse course where every player has a chance.
  16. The Hotel has been ordered to close because it is overrun by mice and rats.
  17. The mouse ran away, squeaking with fear.
  18. The house was completely overrun with mice.
  19. It's only a Mickey Mouse job.
  20. A mouse. What colour is it? White.
  21. The mouse is good at digging hole.
  22. The whole thing is somehow a bit Mickey Mouse.
  23. Mickey Mouse starts as an ugly, little rodent.
  24. This mouse will never roar enough.
  25. Use the mouse to drag the icon to a new position.
  26. Look! A big mouse hides under the armchair.
  27. You can check your e-mail with a click of your mouse.
  28. Mouse, mouse, go away.
  29. Select the text you want to format by holding down the left button on your mouse.
  30. Suddenly the cat sprang at the mouse.
  31. Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and other Disney cartoon characters gave endless delight to millions of children.
  32. She called softly after it, "Mouse dear!"
  33. It's a cat-and-mouse game to him, and I'm the mouse.
  34. Those two little mice were naked and blind.
  35. A witch changed the boy into a mouse.
  36. A mouse runs by.
  37. They called her Miss Mouse because she was so meek and mild.
  38. There's nothing Mickey Mouse about the 1993 version.
  39. Just then, the little mouse happened to pass by.
  40. The fourth one was a purple mouse.
  41. There are a number of improvements; for instance, both mouse buttons can now be used.
  42. The menu pops up when you click twice on the mouse.
  43. The nest contained eight little mice that were naked and blind.
  44. Roll the mouse over the map to get going.
  45. I'm mouse and I have small ear.
  46. Use your mouse to drag the pictures to their new size.
  47. The stores were overrun with rats and mice.
  48. The cat sprang on the mouse.
  49. He was a weak little mouse of a man.
  50. Our cat is hopeless at catching mice.
  51. A cat often plays with a mouse before the kill.
  52. After three hours of playing cat and mouse, they threatened to open fire on our vessel, so we stopped.
  53. Choose 'printer' from the menu and click with the right mouse button.
  54. Click on the printer icon with the mouse.
  55. Click the left mouse button twice to highlight the program.
  56. Her message had been written; all she had to do was click the mouse.