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1. A fungus with a round flat head and short stem.
2. To rapidly grow or increase in number.

mushroommushroom Image.

Use 'mushroom' in a sentence:

  1. A mushroom glade - electric motors for the automatic activation of various valves.
  2. A sign in front of the school features a mushroom cloud.
  3. Would you like more mushroom?
  4. Mushroom management means that workers' curiosity situation is, because the leaders tend to make all the decisions on their own, without asking anyone else to give their opinion.
  5. I'm not giving you mushroom.
  6. Mix the ingredients and pour over the mushrooms.
  7. Mushroom can grow very quickly.
  8. I prefer dried mushroom clear soup.
  9. I've taken all the mushroom out.
  10. I'm not partial to mushrooms.
  11. If she had been aware that the mushroom was poisonous, she wouldn't have picked it for dinner.
  12. I'd like a large pizza with peppers and mushroom, please.
  13. The cloud of smoke mushroomed into the sky.
  14. This kind of mushroom is edible, but that kind is not.
  15. The organization was founded in1955 and quickly mushroomed into a mass movement of the middle class.
  16. While there are signs that a mushroom is poisonous, they are not consistent, and all mushrooms of unknown origin should be considered dangerous to eat.
  17. This mushroom is edible.
  18. Years ago while attending a dinner party hosted by some friends of mine the hostess served a meal with this delicious mushroom sauce.
  19. Mushrooms are a type of fungus.
  20. This may seem a large quantity of mushrooms, but they do boil down considerably.
  21. First cook the onions, then add the mushrooms.
  22. Some mushrooms are good to eat; some are poisonous.
  23. A sleepy capital of a few hundred thousand people has mushroomed to a crowded city of 2 million.
  24. We have all heard of toadstools and know that they are poisonous, but what many people don't know is that a toadstool is actually a mushroom.
  25. Truffles are a kind of mushroom that grows underground.
  26. I found a mushroom.
  27. But some people prefer the savoury fillings made from meat, mushroom and green vegetables。
  28. How big the mushroom is!
  29. The pirates listened grimly, and then replaced the mushroom.
  30. I turned around and watched a white mushroom cloud rise up about a mile away.
  31. Younger Scout, "How can I tell the difference between a mushroom and a toadstool?"
  32. But once she added her first employee, Lawrence saw sales mushroom.
  33. Oh! It's a giant mushroom!
  34. She returned from the hills with a basket of wild mushrooms.
  35. I stood and watched the mushroom cloud for a while.
  36. Let's drink some mushroom soup first.
  37. We have sliced chicken soup, dried mushroom clear soup and so on.
  38. Birmingham is a mushroom.
  39. The hostess exclaimed, "Oh my God, it's the mushroom sauce!"
  40. We all went to the emergency room in a mad rush, and had our stomachers pumped after telling them we had eaten poisonous mushrooms.
  41. It was the custom of the boys to stop it with a mushroom when enemies were in the neighbourhood.
  42. My sister has an especial fondness for mushrooms.
  43. You should try the mushroom fettucine. It's really good.
  44. He sat down on a large mushroom, and now there was a quiver in his voice.
  45. They often go mushrooming.
  46. It's a mushroom.
  47. a mixed grill of bacon, sausages, tomatoes and mushrooms.
  48. Wipe the mushrooms clean and thread them on a string.
  49. The blast sent a huge mushroom cloud of toxic gas into the air.
  50. Chop the mushrooms and quarter the tomatoes.
  51. Some mushrooms contain a deadly poison.
  52. There are many types of wild mushrooms.
  53. There are so many different sorts of mushrooms available these days.
  54. The media training industry has mushroomed over the past decade.
  55. We expect the market to mushroom in the next two years.
  56. These mushrooms would make a delicious side dish.
  57. Both mushrooms look innocuous but are in fact deadly.