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1. Of long duration; not new.
2. Of an earlier time.
3. Of a particular age.

Use 'old' in a sentence:

  1. He is ten years old.
  2. This carpet's getting pretty old now.
  3. He recycled all his old jokes.
  4. They were old army comrades.
  5. He's 58 years old.
  6. It's my old mucker John!
  7. He's a wily old fox.
  8. The old institutions are cracking.
  9. He's an interfering old busybody!
  10. The old house smells of damp.
  11. I'm fourteen years old.
  12. He and I are old friends.
  13. We're old rivals.
  14. Aunt Emilie darned old socks.
  15. Jenny is seventeen years old.
  16. They talked like old pals.
  17. I've fixed up Matthew's old room.
  18. She comes from an old Scots family.
  19. He's a nice old fellow.
  20. I'd like a job working with old folk or kids.
  21. The old man spoke deferentially.
  22. Can you really get that old car going again?
  23. She met up with some of her old school friends.
  24. We need to ensure a smooth transition between the old system and the new one.
  25. She got old before her time.
  26. Now let me see ─ how old is she now?
  27. The old customs are dying.
  28. The city is dissected by a network of old canals.
  29. She's getting old ─ she's 75 next year.
  30. As people get older, they get set in their ways.
  31. Old houses are often damp.
  32. The old feel the cold more than the young.
  33. Would you like my old TV in exchange for this camera?
  34. The new tax is fairer than the old system.
  35. She's a very sweet old lady.
  36. Her job is restoring old paintings.
  37. I'd say he was 25 to 30 years old.
  38. My new job is much the same as the old one.
  39. I know people's handwriting changes as they get older.
  40. They have successfully combined the old with the new in this room.
  41. His clothes were curiously old-fashioned.
  42. The city is a mixture of old and new buildings.
  43. The new methods are radically different from the old.
  44. Old bones break easily.
  45. The new sports centre will take the pressure off the old one.
  46. Old age can bring many problems.
  47. Such problems are a universal feature of old age.
  48. Can a new party rise from the ashes of the old one?
  49. She's an old hand at dealing with the press.
  50. They're going to build on the site of the old power station.
  51. The new contract will be the same in every particular as the old one.
  52. Old values are being grafted onto a new social class.
  53. It's a lovely old farm.
  54. I'm not old enough for my bus pass yet!
  55. I didn't think she was old enough for the responsibility.
  56. She was a mean old harridan.
  57. I went to see if my old school was still there.
  58. He's growing old.
  59. She was a woman grown old before her time.