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1. The curved path of a celestial object or spacecraft around a star, planet, or moon, especially a periodic elliptical revolution.
2. A sphere of activity, interest, or application.
3. Move in orbit around.

Use 'orbit' in a sentence:

  1. The satellite is now in orbit.
  2. Yet bigger satellites will be sent up into orbit.
  3. The satellite was launched into orbit around the moon.
  4. All the planets orbit the Sun in roughly the same plane, round its equator.
  5. The astronauts will attach a motor that will boost the satellite into its proper orbit.
  6. We can draw the earth's orbit round the sun.
  7. The planet is probably in orbit around a small star.
  8. Mars and Earth have orbits which change with time.
  9. We continued to orbit until our two remaining wingmen joined.
  10. Orbit of the Moon, and we see the Earth.
  11. The shuttle era also witnessed the first untethered space walks by U.S. astronauts in orbit.
  12. If successful, the van-sized spacecraft will orbit the planet 640 km over our heads.
  13. The orbit of a space satellite decayed.