1. In other respects or ways.
2. Used to state what the result would be if sth did not happen or if the situation were different.
Use 'otherwise' in a sentence:
- 1. This is the one blemish on an otherwise resounding success.
- 2. Note that you want to call them in your diary, otherwise you may forget!
- 3. Otherwise, by definition, they would not be deceived.
- 4. Don't be mean with fabric, otherwise curtains will end up looking skimpy.
- 5. Don't start giving me problems otherwise I'll have to be very unpleasant indeed.
- 6. Don't move, otherwise I'll kill you.
- 7. Luckily he reminded me. Otherwise I'd have forgotten all about it.
- 8. Please call before you come, otherwise we might not be home.
- 9. Be modest, otherwise you will lag behind.
- 10. Turn off the gas when the milk boils. Otherwise it will be spilt.
- 11. It was for the police to assess the validity or otherwise of the evidence.
- 12. He was slightly bruised but otherwise unhurt.
- 13. He seemed totally normal otherwise and expected me to be as well.
- 14. Shut the window, otherwise it'll get too cold in here.