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1. A large area of land preserved in its natural state as public property.
2. A piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area.
3. A lot where cars are parked.

Use 'park' in a sentence:

  1. Let's park that until our next meeting.
  2. I need £ 2 in silver for the parking meter.
  3. Gordon stayed at The Park Hotel, Milan.
  4. The park is open from 1 May to 31 October.
  5. He's parked very badly.
  6. They strolled through the park, with arms entwined.
  7. Last admissions to the park are at 4 p.m.
  8. You can't park here.
  9. Park Ridge is the prototypical American suburb.
  10. I chained my bike to the park railings.
  11. I think they've got a cheek making you pay to park the car.
  12. We went for a stroll in the park.
  13. Bill Justice is a park ranger at the Carlsbad Caverns National Park.
  14. The theme park attracts 2.5 million visitors a year.
  15. I turned the car into the car park.
  16. Families were strolling around the park.
  17. You can park on either side of the street.
  18. Who are you to tell me I can't park here?
  19. The park lies on top of a coalfield.
  20. Let's pretend A meets B in the park.
  21. You can park your car outside our house.
  22. The house was near a park but there was a road in between.
  23. I've left my car in the park and ride.
  24. The park is open during (the) daytime.
  25. You can't park your car there.
  26. When parking on a hill, leave the car in gear.
  27. She toddles down to the park most afternoons.
  28. She parked herself on the edge of the bed.
  29. Let's hope we can find a parking space.
  30. You can't park the car here.
  31. We went for a walk in the park.
  32. The new theme park will be Britain's answer to Disneyland.
  33. I went to the park and had a wander around.
  34. I live at 7 Park Crescent.
  35. A red van was parked in front of the house.
  36. The park was full of young lovers holding hands.
  37. He found a place to park the car.
  38. We took a turn around the park.
  39. The park is now open to the public.
  40. I managed to find a parking space.
  41. I usually cycle home through the park.
  42. I'll ask if it's all right to park here.
  43. They had a wonderful view over the park.
  44. Most urban areas are close to a park.
  45. It's the biggest theme park outside the United States.
  46. Dogs must be kept on a lead in the park.
  47. This area has been designated (as) a National Park.
  48. The area has been declared a national park.
  49. This area has been designated a National Park.
  50. Make sure you park your car clear of the entrance.
  51. She cruised around the block looking for a parking space.
  52. Will the car be safe parked in the road?
  53. Where can I park the car?
  54. Lily lives in a penthouse just off Park Avenue.