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1. The trait of showing courage and determination in spite of possible loss or injury.
2. The act of pulling and releasing a taut cord.
3. Pull or pull out sharply.
4. Sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity.

pluckpluck Image.

Use 'pluck' in a sentence:

  1. Pluck this little flower and take it, delay not!
  2. He plucked a stalk of dried fennel.
  3. Some of the others liked him, and all admired his pluck and spirit.
  4. He is responsible for these plants to God; no one dares to pluck them up before God gives permission.
  5. We have no idea how many women grow hair on their faces, because the vast majority will pluck it out.
  6. He plucked the cigarette from his mouth and tossed it out into the street.
  7. It took pluck to start out on a new career at his age.
  8. "You, boy," he said, addressing John, "you look as if you had a little pluck in you."
  9. The actress was only 17 when she was plucked from obscurity and made a star.
  10. Let's take the situation where we take a violin string and we pluck it.
  11. You've plucked your eyebrows at last!
  12. Pluck this little flower and take it, delay not! I fear lest it.
  13. The poor student was plucked in his examination.
  14. Let us pluck one of the pretty white flowers with which each cherry-tree is covered.
  15. It takes a lot of pluck to start a new job at his age.
  16. Not a rose did I gather from your garden, not a fruit did I pluck.
  17. Even those passengers who were most distrustful of themselves pluck up amazingly.
  18. When you sleep through the alarm or simply need an extra 10 minutes, you can just pluck it off the hanger and go.
  19. Under the control of the thugs, I was impressed by the pluck and helplessness of the Burmese. I made up my mind to do something for them.
  20. Tom begged her to pluck up hope again, and she said she could not.
  21. I was too lazy to sweep the fallen leaves, and I never pluck grass, allowing it to grow rapidly.
  22. She showed a lot of pluck in standing up to her boss.
  23. He is responsible for them to OUR LORD, and no one dares to pluck them up before HE gives leave.
  24. The agency plucked Naomi from obscurity and turned her into one of the world's top models.
  25. For the lucky few, there's the chance of being plucked from obscurity and thrown into the glamorous world of modelling.
  26. It takes a lot of pluck to do what she did.
  27. Pluck the lad from him--to the horse-pond wi' the cub!
  28. Tha's got too much pluck in thee.
  29. Ten fishermen were plucked to safety from life-rafts.
  30. He plucked the baby out of my arms.
  31. With luck, it will replace the myriad other duties and surcharges that pluck the fruits of Indian commerce.
  32. Is this just a figure she plucked out of the air?
  33. Little companies are known for their pluck and perseverance, even in the face of a recession.
  34. It took me about two hours to pluck up courage to call.
  35. Workers pluck fresh shoots from the tea bushes in the misty hills of Darjeeling.
  36. Nell was plucking a harp.
  37. But I'll pluck figs until the FIG plucker comes.
  38. Will you clamber up, and pluck it to show to papa?
  39. I finally plucked up the courage to ask her for a date.
  40. I haven't yet plucked up the courage to ask her.
  41. It took me about two hours to pluck up the courage to call.
  42. Police plucked a drowning girl from the river yesterday.
  43. She was plucked from the corps de ballet to take on Juliet.
  44. A solitary viola plucks a lonely, soft F sharp.
  45. He plucks Brazil nuts off the ground and tosses them into the basket.
  46. The wind plucked at my jacket.
  47. Survivors of the wreck were plucked to safety by a helicopter.
  48. She looked relaxed as she plucked a chicken.
  49. She plucked out a grey hair.
  50. He took the guitar and plucked at the strings.
  51. I plucked an orange from the tree.
  52. I plucked a lemon from the tree.
  53. Pickers are bent double, plucking each flower with lightning speed.
  54. When you get hungry, just pluck a pear off the tree and eat it.