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1. Ceramic ware made from clay and baked in a kiln.
2. The craft of making earthenware.
3. A workshop where clayware is made.

potterypottery Image.

Use 'pottery' in a sentence:

  1. Analysis and Control of Temperature Field of Urgent Cold Section in Pottery Kiln.
  2. Fragments of pottery are one of the most important surface objects.
  3. Pottery used to play an important role in the daily lives of Chinese people.
  4. They were all encouraged to paint pictures on the pottery, even though some students didn't know how to paint.
  5. A Meditation on Modern Art Pottery and Traditional Cultural Resources.
  6. Most ground surveys involve a lot of walking, looking for surface clues such as small fragments of pottery.
  7. Analysis of Modern Pottery Art in China.
  8. Measurement of moisture in pottery materials using thermal neutron transmission method.
  9. These Thule people moved in from Alaska, bringing kayaks, sleds, dogs, pottery and iron tools.
  10. She started selling pottery from the stoop of her apartment to pay for college classes at a studio nearby.
  11. The team also found a large bakery, "complete with ovens and storage pottery," whose size suggests it was used to cater to a "very large number of workers and employees."
  12. I've been taking classes in pottery.
  13. Having begun her career at Gray's Pottery, she stayed there as resident designer for seven years.
  14. Roman pottery was transported not only in large quantities but also over substantial distances.
  15. The school has also set up several art corners to show the pottery.
  16. One of the newest funny-shaped museums is a pottery museum in Korea.
  17. By pottery painting, students can improve themselves in many ways.
  18. Glaser says the widespread presence of pottery confirms the soil's human origins.
  19. Students turned the pottery into different works of art.
  20. The pottery of ancient Romans is remarkable in several ways.
  21. But maps that show the various spots where Roman pottery of a particular type has been found tell only part of the story.
  22. Wedgwood and other pottery factories made cuts earlier.
  23. Look at Cultural Experience of Essence Concept from Phenomenon of Pottery Art.
  24. We've already begun to find some very interesting items, like old bottles, buttons, pieces of clay pottery.
  25. beautiful silver and turquoise jewelry and pottery.
  26. The small pottery toys have a long history in China.
  27. Development and Application of Pottery and Porcelain Art in Western Hubei Province.
  28. Pottery is the oldest art in the world.
  29. Almost every classroom has coloured pieces of pottery.
  30. I'm not sure which I enjoy more — pottery or dancing.
  31. Study on grinding performance of high capability pottery.
  32. Technology of Chemical Nickel on the Surface of Ordinary Pottery.
  33. My sister likes to learn art pottery in her spare time.
  34. If you enjoy pottery, showcase your creations in your apartment.
  35. 《 World Contemporary Public Environmental Art& Pottery Art 》 Published.
  36. Pottery is made from unadulterated clay.
  37. Almost all potteries found in the tomb were sacrifices.
  38. Police found several fragments of broken pottery.
  39. As impressive as the quality of Roman pottery is its sheer massive quantity.
  40. She now also does pottery classes at a community centre.
  41. Buttons and clay pottery?
  42. The chief handicrafts of this country are pottery and wood carving.
  43. The plastic arts include sculpture, pottery and painting.
  44. Some bowls were made of pottery and wood.
  45. I refer to the thousands of pottery vessels and ancient lamps that are essentially duplicates of one another.
  46. The pottery was packed in boxes and shipped to the US.
  47. The tri-coloured glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty is a shining pearl among ancient Chinese pottery.
  48. They won't only be using rare, antique pottery this time.
  49. This is a typical example of Roman pottery.
  50. Archaeologists found pottery in the lowest level of the site.
  51. He became interested in sculpting and pottery.