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1. Commodities offered for sale.
2. A thing that is grown or produced, usually for sale.

Use 'product' in a sentence:

  1. For enterprises and service providers, the use of network processors ensures against premature product obsolescence.
  2. South Korea's imports of consumer products jumped 33% in this year.
  3. There are qualitative differences between the two products.
  4. The product was launched amid much fanfare worldwide.
  5. The quality of this product is up to standard.
  6. Poems are the product of a poet's imagination.
  7. The child is the product of a broken home.
  8. Their latest product is aimed at the mass market.
  9. The product has been a phenomenal success.
  10. The product has filled a gap in the market.
  11. My bike is a home product.
  12. Some products can be recycled at the end of their useful life.
  13. Demand for the product has reached saturation point.
  14. The product has a pedigree going back to the last century.
  15. Our product needs an image that people can relate to.
  16. A product manager is responsible for product profitability.
  17. The product is sold both at home and overseas.
  18. The bar codes on the products are read by lasers.
  19. We are all products of our time.
  20. It is the end product of exhaustive research and development.
  21. We should prevent others cashing in before we've time to market the product.
  22. It is quality not price that sells our products.
  23. This warranty is good for one year after the date of the purchase of the product.
  24. The product has been marketed very professionally.
  25. Our product enjoys popularity throughout the world.
  26. Once opened, this product should be kept refrigerated.
  27. The bank is the product of a 1971 merger of two Japanese banks.
  28. The product is still at a developmental stage.
  29. We cannot satisfy demand for the product.
  30. Every product is exhaustively tested before being sold.
  31. They export their products to markets throughout the world.
  32. The product of 21 and 16 is 336.
  33. We are all to a great extent the products of our culture.
  34. This product has been phenomenally successful.
  35. The product is at the design stage.
  36. It was a time of peak demand for the product.
  37. A manufacturer can amplify the demand of a product by advertising widely.
  38. The makers are about to launch out a new product.
  39. The new product took the company to the forefront of the computer software field.
  40. This product claims to firm your body in six weeks.
  41. Try to get the best product at the lowest price.
  42. The geographical scope of product markets has widened since the war.
  43. The catalogue gives a full description of each product.
  44. The success of this car shows the importance of good design in helping to sell the product.
  45. The firm had received bad publicity over a defective product.
  46. Thanks for showing us your products ─ we'll be in touch.
  47. You can obtain the product from all good chemists.
  48. The young workers brought forth some sparkling new suggestions for improving our product.
  49. The inventor is trying to market his new product.
  50. We need new product to sell.
  51. The product is not yet commercially available.
  52. Each product has a number for easy identification.
  53. What they do offer is a good product at a rock-bottom price.
  54. When costs are cut product quality suffers.
  55. The advertisement told us very little about the product.
  56. Demand for the product has been greatly exaggerated.
  57. The sales manager will give a presentation on the new products.
  58. These two products are from opposite ends of the price range.
  59. Each new product would have a relatively long life cycle.
  60. The new product will arrive on supermarket shelves early next year.
  61. Our beauty products are not tested on animals.
  62. This product has not been tested on animals.
  63. The product was developed in response to customer demand.
  64. Limited resources are restricting our capacity for developing new products.
  65. All our products are available by mail order.
  66. Manufacturing processes may be affected by the functionality of the product.
  67. The product looks and burns like a regular cigarette.