Definition: 1. Pay back. 2. Make repayment for or return something. 3. Act or give recompensation in recognition of someone's behavior or actions. 4. Answer back.
Use 'repay' in a sentence:
1. I owe you a debt of gratitude which I shall never be able to repay.
2. I can never repay you for your kindness.
3. It took three years to repay my student loan.
4. "When somebody refuses to repay a loan, I turn the tables by requesting one myself," she says.
5. I can never repay your many kindnesses to me.
6. It might go part way to repaying the debt.
7. Her good intentions were repaid by evil results.
8. The land is not fertile enough to repay cultivation.
9. I know I shall never be able to repay you, but what is in my power I shall do.
10. How can I ever repay you for your generosity?
11. I owe them a debt that cannot easily be repaid.
12. Some people have said," Don't the successful like Gates owe a debt to society for their success that they repay by paying taxes?"
13. She doesn't intend to be repaid to her kindness.
14. We should repay his kindness.
15. It was very kind. I don't know how I can ever repay you.
16. The banks made too many risky loans which now can't be repaid, and they speculated in property whose value has now dropped.
17. In many ways, it is welcome that some banks now want to repay the money.
18. I feel honor bound to repay the money I borrowed.
19. It will take 30 years to repay the loan.
20. His good intentions were repaid by evil results.
21. The money was repaid with interest.
22. He advanced funds of his own to his company, which was unable to repay him.
23. To do some good things, and repay the good fortune they have had.
24. The time limit for repaying the loan is 2 months.
25. Is there someway I can repay you for this?
26. I advanced him some money, which he would repay on our way home.
27. This is how you're going to repay me.
28. How can I repay you?
29. I fully intend to repay them the money that they lent me.
30. " When somebody refuses to repay a loan, I turn the tables by requesting one myself," she says.
31. He was so good to me that I can never repay the debt I owe him.
32. You can never repay that debt.
33. Western Farmers borrowed with the confident expectation that the expanding economy would keep farm prices high, thus making it easy to repay loans when they fell due.
34. He has promised to repay the loan at any time on demand.
35. When are you going to repay them?
36. This is exactly the amount I loaned you last week! How convenient! Now you won't have to repay me!
37. I try every day to repay the trust of the manager and the club showed in me.
38. They are under to obligation to repay debts incurred by the old regime.
39. His main task is to raise enough finance to repay secured loans.
40. Her bank warned that unless she repaid the overdraft she could face legal action.
41. The business quickly repaid the initial outlay on advertising.
42. You get a grant that you don't have to repay.
43. Their trust was repaid with fierce loyalty.
44. The report repays careful reading.
45. The agreement binds her to repay the debt within six months.
46. I'll repay the money I owe them next week.
47. A "subprime borrower" is somebody who has a poor credit history or some other indication that would suggest that they might not be able to repay the mortgage.