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1. A supply of something that a country, an organization or a person has and can use, especially to increase their wealth.
2. To provide something with the money or equipment that is needed.
3. A source of aid or support that may be drawn upon when needed.

Use 'resource' in a sentence:

  1. I could go to the resource centre to do some research.
  2. The government has promised to free up more resources for education.
  3. Note that the resource adapter should not block in this method.
  4. We can no longer afford to consider water a virtually free resource of which we can use as much as we like in any way we want.
  5. More resources are being allocated to the project.
  6. We must make the most efficient use of the available financial resources.
  7. At the outset of the new millennium, however, the way resource planners think about water is beginning to change.
  8. Police forces across the country are pooling resources in order to solve this crime.
  9. A country's principal resource is its brainpower.
  10. The company will suffer a great loss on the condition that it is forbidden to exploit this kind of alternative resource.
  11. There's a great shortage of resource materials in many schools.
  12. This will overstretch the prison service's resources.
  13. The Internet is often used as a resource and as a tool for distance learning.
  14. The world's resources are finite.
  15. The challenge is how to ensure food without increasing animal numbers and having an impact on fragile lands and our resource bases.
  16. We do not have the resources (= money) to update our computer software.
  17. There was no TV so we were thrown back on our own resources.
  18. The United States National Resource Defense Council has found that DDT was the most popular of a long list of dangerous chemicals in use.
  19. There is a need for more resources so that all children may have a decent education.
  20. That will take the students out into the city and help them to use it and its people as a resource.
  21. It may also occur among totally unrelated forms that compete for the same resource, such as seed-eating rodents and ants.
  22. It can't be denied that we need to devote more resources to this problem.
  23. Our resources are strained to the utmost.
  24. Unfortunately we lack the resources to modernize.
  25. Time is your most valuable resource, especially in examinations.
  26. If we believe it's a finite resource, we act that way, we feel exhausted and need breaks between demanding mental tasks.
  27. He was very much into natural history. He was into natural resource reserve.
  28. We agreed to pool our resources (= so that everyone gives sth) .
  29. Resources are being redirected to this important new project.
  30. However, people who view their willpower as a limitless resource get energized instead.
  31. This is a criminal waste of resources.
  32. The OWF is an ideal supplementary resource for learners to engage in word-building activities during topic-based lessons.
  33. You could work on local natural resource management projects for eight weeks this summer.
  34. The remaining forests are home to half of the world's species, thus becoming the chief resource for their survival.
  35. The majority of folks know that this resource exists.
  36. He has no inner resources and hates being alone.
  37. The world's resources are rapidly diminishing.
  38. For every resource, insert one row into this table.
  39. As a global society, therefore, tackling food waste will help contribute towards addressing a number of key resource issues.
  40. This organization also serves as a resource center of information on accomplished women who are potential candidates for corporate boards.
  41. Inflation, resource scarcity, reduced personnel levels and budget cuts have all underscored the need for better coordination in organizations.
  42. As some of you know, I'm Elaine Marriott, the head of the college's Learning Resource Centre.
  43. The resources at our disposal could have been better utilized.
  44. Students must have access to good resources.
  45. They were unable to mobilize the resources they needed.
  46. Schools in the area are still inadequately resourced.
  47. Some teachers felt hindered by a lack of resources.
  48. Canada's vast mineral resources.
  49. The American Society on Aging provides resource services to those dealing with the aged.
  50. A century ago, the resource in question was oil.
  51. We are doing our best with the limited resources available.
  52. The database could be used as a teaching resource in colleges.
  53. When necessary, instinct is the most reliable resource you can fall back on.
  54. If more than one species is competing for a scarce resource, the competing species usually switch to different alternative resources.
  55. The project is being allocated more resources.
  56. We need to concentrate resources on the most run-down areas.
  57. The report is critical of the department's waste of resources.
  58. The resource adapter will install on the server.
  59. Even though our earth is rich in water resource, there is still a shortage of water in many places because ocean water can't be used directly.
  60. If no one owns the resource concerned, no one has an interest in conserving it or fostering it: fish is the best example of this.
  61. Limited resources are restricting our capacity for developing new products.
  62. Campaigners are shining a spotlight on the world's diminishing natural resources.
  63. Some families don't have the resources to feed themselves properly.
  64. We do not have the resources to update our computer software.
  65. There has been a big input of resources into the project from industry.
  66. The influx of refugees has stretched the country's resources to the limit.