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1. The of act controlling by restraining someone or something.
2. Discipline in personal and social activities.
3. The state of being physically constrained.
4. A rule or condition that limits freedom.
5. Lack of ornamentation.
6. A device that retards something's motion.

Use 'restraint' in a sentence:

  1. Approaches for the end effect restraint of empirical mode decomposition algorithm.
  2. The union said it was unfair to ask workers to adopt a policy of wage restraint.
  3. We need to exercise restraint.
  4. Construction of the Rural Financial System under the Financial Restraint.
  5. She shouted abuse without any restraint.
  6. This restraint largely explains her lack of popular success during her lifetime, even if her talent did not go completely unrecognized by her eighteenth-century French contemporaries.
  7. The police appealed to the crowd for restraint.
  8. The Cultural Restraint and Cultural Innovation in the Growth of Chinese Family Business.
  9. But US researchers quietly complain about budget restraints and having far fewer icebreakers the Russia, limiting the reach of the United States in Antarctica.
  10. There is little restraint in the press area as well.
  11. Analysis and Research of Restraint of Chaotic Oscillation in Power System.
  12. Restraint and freeze are two different things.
  13. But critics urge restraint.
  14. The clove hitch is an extremity restraint.
  15. A Positive Study of Financial Restraint and Economic Development in China.
  16. so that I would restraint my sorrow and would be happy thinking that my own son has worn it.
  17. Under this theory, the superego acts as a restraint.
  18. Caution: Use restraint when asking this question.
  19. She exercised all her self-restraint and kept quiet.
  20. Gandhi exemplified the virtues of renunciation, asceticism, and restraint.
  21. Gandhi exemplified the virtues of renunciation, asceticism and restraint.
  22. As he has not been able to have his way, he has shown some restraint.
  23. Meanwhile, the Israeli side has also shown restraint.
  24. A strong Black Friday would induce consumers to relax the spending restraint they have exercised for a long time.
  25. The parties involved should exercise (self -) restraint and prevent the situation from getting worse.
  26. Restraint is his ultimate virtue.
  27. Creativity loves restraint.
  28. There is still need for profit restraint.
  29. The G20 summit produced flimsy promises of restraint.
  30. They behaved with more restraint than I'd expected.
  31. He sued them for restraint of trade and won.
  32. I'll speak to the staff and ask them to exercise restraint and common sense.
  33. She has been saintly in her self-restraint.
  34. Do not take our restraint for a sign of weakness.
  35. Self-restraint and a little good grooming is.
  36. She trimmed back my flowery language, drew lines through my exclamation marks and argued for the value of restraint in expression.
  37. But, China has disrespected and abused our restraint.
  38. The Prime Minister is calling for new restraints on trade unions.
  39. All cars built since 1981 have points for the attachment of safety restraints.
  40. He has, in effect, advised patience and self-restraint.
  41. With open frontiers and lax visa controls, criminals could cross into the country without restraint.
  42. For a year and a half, wage restraint on a voluntary basis worked.
  43. The parties involved should exercise ( self-) restraint and prevent the situation from getting worse.
  44. In situations like that, you think longingly of the air rage "restraint kit"—handcuffs and strong plastic tape—carried on every plane in case of emergency.
  45. The government has imposed export restraints on some products.
  46. He exercised considerable restraint in ignoring the insults.
  47. The old sense of deference and restraint in royal reporting has vanished.
  48. He urged restraint on the security forces.
  49. The unions are unlikely to accept any sort of wage restraint.
  50. Children must use an approved child restraint or adult seat belt.