Definition: 1. A leather seat for a rider on a horse. 2. A seat on a bicycle or motorcycle. 3. A piece of meat from the back of an animal.
saddle Image.
Use 'saddle' in a sentence:
1. He ran to the door and vaulted into the saddle.
2. Rememeber you just learned to ride side-saddle.
3. The saddle is secure.
4. I put a pillow on the saddle so that I could ride comfortably.
5. There are also the costs of the saddle, bridle, blankets, boots and brushes to get started.
6. Don't saddle me with taking the children to school again.
7. The hyperbolic surface, which has so-called negative curvature because its surface curves up and down at the same time, like a saddle.
8. Does this mean space is shaped like a flat plane, a sphere or a saddle?
9. Three weeks after the accident he was back in the saddle.
10. Tie them to the saddle-bow: very slack so that I can do what I like with my head.
11. Error analysis of saddle boundary condition of suspension bridge finite element model.
12. It looks like a saddle.
13. A glass cabinet holds a horse saddle encrusted in gems.
14. Using Saddle Surface for Solving Large Scale Linear Programming and Linear Equations.
15. He saddled his parents with heavy debts.
16. Raise your head a little bit and hold the saddle and smile a little.
17. I want to be gone from here as soon as we can saddle up.
18. At his father's death he was saddled with heavy debts.
19. "OK," said the littlest knight and carefully tied the beehive to his saddle.
20. He put as much gold into his saddle-bag as his horse would carry, and returned to town.
21. "Uh-huh," they murmured when we tripped over the door saddle or ruined our clothes.
22. All went right, and the groom lay snoring with his hand upon the golden saddle.
23. I'll be here next Thursday, 'she cried, springing to the saddle.
24. All three emerge from a tripedal base architects call the saddle.
25. It had a saddle with springs sticking out, which wore away the seat of my pants.
26. As he leapt upon the saddle he turned round, and looked at the young Fisherman sadly.
27. In three-dimensions, it could even be a saddle point.
28. She was slumped in the saddle and slurring her words.
29. He gave a leap and landed himself on the saddle of the horse.
30. It had a saddle with springs sticking out, which wore away the seat of my trousers.
31. The bicycle saddle is too high for this child.
32. Saddle yourselves with an unmanageable debt and you might doom your marriage to failure.
33. The armed forces and the hardliners are now going to be in the saddle.
34. The horses were saddled up and ready to move.
35. When I watch horse racing on television, I wish I was back in the saddle.
36. Computer Evaluation of Geometric Error Based on Saddle Point Programming.
37. Bronc riding, both saddle and bareback, causes the deaths of many rodeo horses.
38. He saddled with a large house which he can't sell or keep repaired.
39. Construction Technology Research on the Prestressed Saddle Cable Net Roof Work.
40. She swung herself into the saddle.
41. I'll tell you about it while Frank saddles the horse.
42. A saddled nose can be fixed through plastic surgery.
43. Why don't we saddle a couple of horses and go for a ride?
44. There is maximum and there is minimum, but there is also saddle points.
45. Construction techniques on installation of cable saddle using simple hoisting equipments.
46. The war devastated the economy and saddled the country with a huge foreign debt.
47. Statements like that may tempt Yankee funds to saddle up and head south.
48. Saddles are made in a wide range of different widths.
49. Just five one-hundredths of an inch thick, light golden in color and with a perfect "saddle curl," the Lay's potato chip seems an unlikely weapon for global domination.
50. The company was saddled with debts of £ 12 million.
51. The saddles feature a reflective trim for night time visibility.
52. He threw the old cloth saddle across the donkey's back.
53. Please give me a lift onto the saddle.
54. Amniotic fluid embolization can have the same outcome as a large saddle pulmonary embolus.