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1. Aggressive and violent; causing great harm.
2. A cruelly rapacious person.
3. Attack brutally and fiercely.
4. Criticize harshly or violently.

Use 'savage' in a sentence:

  1. She had been badly hurt in what police described as 'a savage attack'.
  2. He is still today as savage as the day I found him.
  3. That does not lessen the shock value for a modern reader, even though war in our time is no less savage and no less brutal.
  4. What was needed, he said, was decisive action to halt what he called these savage crimes.
  5. The animal then turned on him and he was savaged to death.
  6. There're some savages living in the forest.
  7. Won't she be savage if I've kept her waiting?
  8. In fact, Richard Savage had known Edward Bellamy a scant five hours.
  9. A California television station Enfresno, reported Tuesday that Jim Savage, set a record as the youngest swimmer to make the journey to the former prison.
  10. The savage civil war there could be a portent of what's to come in the rest of the region.
  11. It's odd what a savage feeling I have to anything that seems afraid of me!
  12. Through the long black night, the savage scouts wriggle, snake-like, among the grass without stirring a blade.
  13. The show had already been savaged by critics.
  14. He made a savage attack on the policies of the government.
  15. The most savage yells of all came from the schoolchildren.
  16. I will establish a savage, "man" shall be his name, verily, savage man I will create.
  17. That's an island inhabited by savages.
  18. A long and savage depression ensued.
  19. He promised to punish the savage act.
  20. I took a savage gulp at the raw Scotch.
  21. My name is Richard Savage, your Lordship.
  22. I am happy to abandon my savage ways.
  23. " Up with your hands!" yelled a savage voice.
  24. They civilized the savages.
  25. I am a savage and I do not understand how the smoking iron horse can be more important than the buffalo that we kill only to stay alive.
  26. They were savage and bloodthirsty.
  27. He has a savage temper.
  28. Savage Defense this is a new passive ability.
  29. The poor man received a savage beating from the thugs.
  30. The horse threw its rider to the ground and savaged him.
  31. Speakers called for clearer direction and savaged the Chancellor.
  32. He flaunts his queer style as a savage might flaunt a top-hat retrieved from somebody's dustbin.
  33. Study of trace element spectrum for hair of savage.
  34. He looked for the solution by studying the savage thought.
  35. This was a savage attack on a defenceless young girl.
  36. The dog let out a savage howl and, wheeling round, flew at him.
  37. The drink had savaged him.
  38. Her latest novel has been savaged by the critics.
  39. Amid these scenes of savage brilliancy there dwells a race whose qualities seem to harmonize with their environment.
  40. It's a movie about one man's transformation from soldier to savage.
  41. Observe, I beg of you, the savage look of his eye.
  42. "Can you handle that?" Savage asked, eyeballing Cameron.
  43. It is written that the noble savage must never express surprise in the presence of the white.
  44. She was savaged to death by a bear.
  45. The book contrasts modern civilization with the ideal of the noble savage who lived in harmony with nature.
  46. When he is without virtue, man is the most unscrupulous and savage of the animals.
  47. The wolf is characterized as a cunning and savage beast in many stories.
  48. The attack is one of a series of savage sexual assaults on women in the university area.
  49. Darwin had a phrase to describe those ignorant of evolution: they "look at an organic being as a savage looks at a ship, as at something wholly beyond his comprehension".
  50. Those ignorant of evolution look at an organic being as a savage looks at a ship, as at something wholly beyond his comprehension.
  51. The article was a savage attack on the government's record.
  52. He described the attack as the work of savages.