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1. The compass point midway between south and east; at 135 degrees.
2. Coming from the southeast.
3. Situated in or oriented toward the southeast.
4. To, toward, or in the southeast.

southeastsoutheast Image.

Use 'southeast' in a sentence:

  1. On reaching the southeast corner of Himalaya-Tibet, It'swirls cyclonically across the Yunnan Plateau.
  2. We have jobs in most parts of the world—including Europe, Africa and Southeast Asia.
  3. Culture spread and editing of Chinese press in Southeast Asian nations.
  4. The Review and Prospect of the Automation's Teaching Team Work in Southeast University.
  5. After eight years of negotiations. The agreement involves all 10 member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and five of its major trading partners - China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand.
  6. Soil Erosion and Countermeasures in Hilly Region of Southeast China.
  7. The well-known capital city of Zhejiang Province in the southeast part of the country has a population of 8.9 million.
  8. This train would stop twice more in the suburbs before rolling southeast toward Munich.
  9. Study on Chinese Cultural Strategy Toward Southeast Asia in Perspective of Geoculture.
  10. A southeast-facing entrance per se thus seems to be the specific nest feature preferred by females, rather than the effect of selective positioning on current at the nest entrance.
  11. Temple of Heaven in Beijing, the city's southeast.
  12. Some endemic Philippine species use disturbed habitat as extensively as non-endemic species that are widespread in Southeast Asia.
  13. El Ninos are associated with abnormally dry conditions in Southeast Asia and Australia.
  14. The Philippine government wants the U.S. to maintain a military presence in Southeast Asia.
  15. Thailand is in the heart of Southeast Asia.
  16. While developing countries in Asia performed well as a group, attracting an estimated$ 476 billion in FDI in 2020, flows to members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ( ASEAN) contracted by 31 percent to$ 107 billion.
  17. "Sight Savers," founded in 1950, now runs projects throughout Africa, the Caribbean and Southeast Asia.
  18. Even today, many varieties of a spiced buttermilk are consumed in Southeast Asia and many diasporic communities around the world.
  19. The impact could be felt most in India and Southeast Asia.
  20. Experimental study and dynamic analysis of Indosinian-Yanshanian regional tectonic deformation in Southeast Hubei.
  21. The southeast is the most densely populated area.
  22. Austria lies to the southeast of Germany.
  23. Where I come from in southeast London, that's an honorable profession.
  24. They expect the antibiotic products to be exported to Southeast Asia and Africa.
  25. But East Asian and Southeast Asian countries also have their own confusion.
  26. There is a garage in the southeast corner of his house.
  27. The strategy of encouraging openness by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations also means increased drug trafficking.
  28. A group of sea dwelling people in Southeast Asia have evolved into better divers.
  29. Moreover, in a recent study, current speeds upstream of the nest and at the nest entrance were similar for nests upstream facing southeast and those facing in other directions.
  30. This superstition4 is referred to as tetraphobia and is common in East Asian and Southeast Asian regions such as China, Japan, Malaysia and Korea.
  31. The piercing cries of the rhinoceros hornbill characterize the Southeast Asian rain forest, as do the unmistakable calls of the gibbons.
  32. Analysis of dynamic development level of regional economy in nationality areas in southeast Chongqing.
  33. Safety Survey and Statistical Study of Country Houses in Southeast Coast of China.
  34. If we win we will be in first place in the Southeast Division.
  35. The Philippine government wants the US to maintain a military presence in Southeast Asia.
  36. The hotel is situated in the southeast of Chicago.
  37. Oranges are a cross between tangerines and the pomelo or "Chinese grapefruit" (which is pale green or yellow) and were first grown in Southeast Asia.
  38. Position and strategy of Southeast Asia in history of Asian Games.
  39. Record levels of rainfall fell over the southeast of the country.
  40. Longan is a tropical tree found in China, Indonesia, and Southeast Asia. The fruit is close relative to litchi.
  41. In order to recycle old mobile phones, the town of Savonlinna in southeast Finland holds a Mobile Phone Throwing Competition every year.
  42. If you visit Southeast Asia, your dream might come true.
  43. Welcome aboard Southeast Service to Red Hill, East Croydon and Victoria.
  44. This train would stop twice more in the suburbs before rolling southeast toward Baltimore.
  45. China and Southeast Asia Economic Cooperation Pattern and Mechanism Research.
  46. OPPO is already a force in India and is in second place in Southeast Asia behind Samsung.
  47. Interaction between Chinese Culture and Local Culture in Southeast Asia.
  48. I know we have to go southeast, more or less.
  49. It shook buildings as far away as Galveston, 90 miles to the southeast.
  50. They hope the treaty will bring peace and stability to Southeast Asia.
  51. Roughly one-half of the world's population, including virtually all of East and Southeast Asia also, is wholly dependent on rice to be its staple food.
  52. Mangosteen is a common fruit in Southeast Asia. It is a round berry shaped fruit. The fruit is one of the most delicious fruits.
  53. The problem is not restricted to the southeast.
  54. The two hotels are attractive bases from which to explore southeast Tuscany.
  55. In some parts of Southeast Asia, dogs are on the menu.
  56. The two hotel-restaurants are attractive bases from which to explore southeast Tuscany.
  57. We wound our way southeast.
  58. Domestic chickens are descended from jungle fowl of Southeast Asia.