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1. To sit on your heels with your knees bent up close to your body.
2. Sit on one's heels.
3. Be close to the earth, or be disproportionately wide.

squatsquat Image.

Use 'squat' in a sentence:

  1. Most of its cells and corridors are empty, although it is sometimes used as an illegal squat.
  2. They earn their living by squatting the land and sharecropping.
  3. Squat with your feet a little less than shoulder distance apart.
  4. Too tired to sit? Or squat?
  5. Jump straight up as high as you can after the squat position, holding your arms up directly over your head.
  6. Proponents of squat toilets make all kinds of claims for their benefits, according to SLATE.
  7. Two shadowy figures, one hunched and squat, the other lean and menacing, both of them Olympic grade lurkers.
  8. He came over and squatted on his heels, looking up at the boys.
  9. THE lid of the charming, round enamelled metal box (pictured) is decorated with squat, rosy apples.
  10. Rows of squat warehouses roofed in corrugated steel or terra-cotta tile front sewage-choked waterways.
  11. Research on Numerical Calculation Method of Ship Squat in Shallow Water.
  12. A Practical Method for Wall Pressure Calculation of Big Diameter Squat Silos.
  13. From France to Bangkok, this kind of squat toilets are common.
  14. He squatted, grunting at the pain in his knees.
  15. The square squats in the centre of the city.
  16. Eddie was a short squat fellow in his forties with thinning hair.
  17. Nina heard it rumored that she was fired because she used to squat on the toilet.
  18. Two men were squatting at the door of the college chapel.
  19. They've been squatting in an apartment for the past two years.
  20. The squat pen rests as snug as a gun.
  21. If you're in the desert, you may have no choice but to squat behind a tree or a bush.
  22. What you do is squat up and down really fast.
  23. This company created several different models of traditional Indian squat toilets.
  24. For this exercise you need to get into a squat.
  25. And as they moved from a sit to a squat, subjects were more likely to rate the experience as easier.
  26. Thomas squatted on the forward deck, whistling tunelessly, polishing the broze spool of the anchor winch.
  27. Squatter control is maintained by regular patrols and hut-to-hut checks.
  28. The squatter settlements originally came into being through illegal land invasions.
  29. To pick up a heavy item, squat down beside it.
  30. Edgar squatted on his haunches.
  31. Study on the deformation behaviour and restoring force model of squat shear wall.
  32. We respect elementary school teachers, but their starting salary is squat.
  33. After returning from Paris, David moved to a squat in Brixton.
  34. But it doesn't mean squat for stocks in Brazil.
  35. 2Single leg squat To build strength, encourage good hip/knee alignment, and improve proprioception.
  36. Thomas now faces eviction from his squat.
  37. He squatted down beside the footprints and examined them closely.
  38. Where a squatter occupies derelict land and continues in uninterrupted possession for 12 years, the owner's title to land is destroyed.
  39. Yoga for Power Lifters: Techniques to Drastically Improve Your Squat Routine.
  40. He squatted in the grass discussing with someone.
  41. The squat pen rests; as snug as a gun.
  42. Squatting down, the two of them started to have a chat.
  43. It's not hard to make friends when you squat on a terrasse twelve hours a day.
  44. All you have to do is squat up and down really fast.
  45. Like many indigenous Mexicans from Oaxaca, the Vegas are short, squat and dark.
  46. Stand as close to the object as possible, positioning it between your knees as you squat.
  47. The doctor let her squat down and asked her some questions.
  48. A squat pot-bellied figure bustled forward through the gloom.
  49. Squat thrust was traditional training way to develop leg strength.
  50. He bent to a squat and gathered the puppies on his lap.
  51. You can't simply wander around squatting on other people's property.
  52. He squatted on the floor and gave vent to a deep sigh.
  53. As another option, squat rather than kneel to lift an object from the floor.
  54. You can squat rather than kneel to lift an object from the floor.
  55. We squatted beside the pool and watched the diver sink slowly down.
  56. They ended up squatting in the empty houses on Oxford Road.
  57. The boat may be imbalanced by having that weight far astern and may "squat" in the water and not sail as well.