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1. A way of access consisting of a set of steps.

staircasestaircase Image.

Use 'staircase' in a sentence:

  1. I know there's a staircase we could've used.
  2. He followed her up a rickety staircase to a squalid bedsit.
  3. He groped his way up the staircase in the dark.
  4. Five firemen narrowly escaped death when a staircase collapsed beneath their feet.
  5. There was a stone staircase against the side of the house.
  6. It was just that this staircase wasn't our staircase.
  7. Study on Magnetic Core Staircase Saturation of Arc Welding Inverter and it's Control.
  8. The New Tendency of Technic in Contemporary Staircase Design.
  9. I raced to the staircase and called out, "Sally, come down immediately!".
  10. Structural Method for Changing Staircase Shaft to Elevator Shaft and Examples.
  11. The objects are laid out in a staircase fashion.
  12. The photo of the settee is in a little nook on the side of the staircase.
  13. If you have a staircase nearby, run up and down it several times a day.
  14. Therefore I thought this staircase was creepy.
  15. America's First Lady stood on the sweeping staircase of the White House.
  16. The use of the staircase is allowed only to members of the staff.
  17. Instantly familiar. She had walked this staircase before.
  18. He had watched employees wind down the staircase in 1993, and he knew it took too long.
  19. And so we rushed down this marble staircase to the bunker.
  20. As we exited from the parking garage, we could see the fountain as we walked down the long staircase.
  21. She ran for the staircase and down the steps, taking them two at a time.
  22. The next is a tower with a staircase, elevator and water storage space.
  23. We didn ’ t find any second staircase, and there was no way to reach the second floor.
  24. Improvement of design method for robust controller using staircase model.
  25. A New Model for Staircase Reduction in Image Restoration Problems.
  26. Then the staircase method fatigue testing in which load is controlling element has been made.
  27. Even running up and down the staircase can provide refreshment from a sedentary job.
  28. This staircase is so old that some of the steps have almost worn away.
  29. The bar is held up by some spare spindles from our spiral staircase.
  30. There was no one on the staircase.
  31. He then appeared at the top of the staircase with an AK-47.
  32. China Opera House Structural Design of the Shanghai Staircase.
  33. Ammonites also inspired this cathedral staircase in Barcelona, Spain.
  34. There are no lifts and just one staircase per block.
  35. Study of the Design on the Tower Building with Dog-Leg Staircases.
  36. Only members of the staff are allowed to use this staircase.
  37. I raced to the staircase and called out, "Sally! Come down immediately!"
  38. a little front door, back door, a little secret staircase?
  39. Study on the New Methods of Gas-meter Installation in North Area's Staircase.
  40. I call this the staircase illusion, and actually when the staircase illusion abruptly ended, he froze, and this is called freezing of gait.
  41. He found the main staircase and descended to ground level.
  42. The servants only could use the back staircase.
  43. Staircase design in well-to-do residence.
  44. Computer aided analysis of fringe pattern using staircase virtual grating demodulation technique.
  45. We have fully functional smoke alarms on all staircases.
  46. We would live in a large two-storey house with floors and the staircase made of wood.
  47. Both a staircase and a lift connect the two floors with an enclosed terrace on the roof.
  48. A number of staircases ascend from the cobbled streets onto the ramparts.
  49. The house has a superb staircase made from oak and marble.
  50. Kneel in front of your partner at the landing of a staircase.
  51. She was sitting on the bottom step of the staircase.
  52. They walked down the staircase together.
  53. She climbed the staircase cautiously, holding fast to the rail.
  54. She heard the priest's familiar, flat footfall on the staircase.