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1. Homeless cat.
2. Move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment.
3. Wander from a direct course or at random.
4. Lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or speaking.
5. Not close together in time.

Use 'stray' in a sentence:

  1. People in rich countries value monogamy and tend not to stray often.
  2. My sister always takes pity on some stray cats or dogs.
  3. Every stray dog has to be taken by its finder to the police.
  4. Reading from a tedious technical brief for hours on end, he would stray into difficult territory.
  5. We got a stray bird back in the nest, girls.
  6. I am like a wild goose from the south, having strayed from its flock.
  7. The more he talked, the further he strayed from the point.
  8. We couldn't identify the stray child.
  9. She could not keep her eyes from straying towards him.
  10. But do not stray far into the wood.
  11. The Stray became part of the land owned by Harrogate.
  12. My mind kept straying back to our last talk together.
  13. A few stray rosy clouds faded from the horizon.
  14. Crews stray outside to film the view from the pavement.
  15. Don't tell me about any more stray animals, OK?
  16. As a special law, no one can build anything on the stray.
  17. Some men stray late.
  18. This will limit the number of stray dogs in the area.
  19. Don't stray from the point.
  20. Stray mines began to turn up off the Pacific coast, imperilling commercial shipping.
  21. There are deer and squirrels and stray cats.
  22. The dog was a stray which had been adopted.
  23. Please keep [ stick] to the point.; Please don't stray from the subject.
  24. Precaution measures have been taken to prevent human-elephant conflict as the elephants may well stray into human settlements.
  25. Please keep [stick] to the point.; Please don't stray from the subject.
  26. Even with the simplest cases I find my mind straying.
  27. He strayed into the path of an oncoming car.
  28. An 8-year-old boy was killed by a stray bullet.
  29. When he lectures he often strays from the subject.
  30. She shrugged a stray lock of hair out of her eyes.
  31. As recent converts to vegetarianism and animal rights, they now live with a menagerie of stray animals.
  32. Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.
  33. His whisper was hardly audible when he said, "Oh, Huck, its a stray dog!"
  34. When delivering food, stray dogs will jump through the kindergarten.
  35. A stray bullet struck his helmet and glanced off.
  36. Only two stray dogs benefited from all this confusion.
  37. As for her personal safety, she said she isn't overly worried but does think about what a stray lunatic could do.
  38. It's called that because in the old days, people let their cattles stray on the area, which was common land.
  39. As you can see, some of the Stray is used for sports fields.
  40. He was wounded by a stray bullet.
  41. But what really makes men stray?
  42. Tendrils of hair strayed to the edge of her pillow.
  43. A civilian was killed by a stray bullet.
  44. We seem to be straying from the main theme of the debate.
  45. The Dead Sea scrolls were found by a shepherd pursuing a stray goat into a cave.
  46. Tourists often get lost and stray into dangerous areas.
  47. A stray dog came up to him.
  48. We often feel the need to tell others how we feel, whether it's a concern about a project, a stray thought, or a compliment.
  49. The administration makes up excuse for the invasion of Iraq out of a few stray rumors, stale leads and discredited reports.
  50. A railway line crosses the park so children must not be allowed to stray.
  51. Normally timid, they rarely stray far from their burrows.