Definition: 1. A small piece of jewellery with a part that is pushed through a hole in your ear, nose, etc. 2. A small round piece of metal that is attached to the surface of something, especially for decoration. 3. A small metal object used in the past for fastening a collar onto a shirt.
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Research on Welding Technics and Performance Analysis of Large Diameter Stud with Compound Heat Source. In chapter 2, point to point control principle was studded . Reactor Pressure Vessel, Closure Studs , Ultrasonic Examination Method. Little islands stud the bay. He was voted horse of the year and then was retired to stud . Take tips from a stud to pull. Enjoy the best of times. Comparative research on mechanical behaviors of slotted standard steel studs in web plate. My real name is John, but people call me "Stud". Make sure the new studs are the same. Energy method for buckling load of wall studs in cold-formed lower house. Development and application of arc stud welding technology. The Arc Stud Welding and its Application in Car's Production. She stud history and philosophy, but she have little interest in either subject. In a stud poker game, you can put a couple of chips in the pot and receive two CARDS, one hidden and one exposed. a crown studded with gems. In the end the stud duck refused to let Jack's ashes go. "Tell you what, we got a family plot and he's goin in it." A diamond stud earring. Study and Practice on Improving the Reproductive Rate of Stud Sows. Seen here is an up-close shot of the mold used to make a three-stud LEGO brick. He was whipped with a studded belt. Replace each stud for the engine carrier one after the other. Would you have guessed that Shakespeare would rock a diamond stud and an asymmetrical' do? Draw arc stud welding gun makes high welding quality, with light weight and convenient operation. When he reached the stud-farm a glance showed him that the horse was not what he wanted. Only dogs registered in the national stud book have a record of their parentage and genetic traits. Since when have he stud English? T. L. for steel stud partition is higher than wood stud by 4 dB in average. Look at this stud . Del! Use a regular stud plus a “trimmer” on each side of the door. Development and application of stud welding. He replied that he was locating the studs in the wall with a stud finder. From his slim, neatly pressed tan slacks to his perfectly trimmed nails and the small, gleaming stud in his left earlobe, everything about Mr. Rebete suggests a sense of well-scrubbed order. The sky was studded with twinkling stars. Fatigue behavior of studs in a composite beam based on fracture mechanics. Seven years previously, she got a tongue stud . That’s what it might sound like if I had a tongue stud , hitting my teeth. From the old man's cardigan and frayed tie to the youngster's torn jeans plus lip-stud , dress stands for identity. I'm going to get a little stud here, okay? His collection was studded with Flemish masterpieces. Application of stud welding in building steel structure and its new welding machine. Heat Treatment Process of Ball Stud in Gear Shifting Linkage. The final touch was a single white glove, studded with rhinestones. The effect of different select stud animal methods are compared; Analysis of forced characteristics of stud connector for composite bridge. A wooden stud wall slightly separates the dining and living rooms, and is decorated with a maze-like set of shelves. The synthetic conditions of 2-pentylidene cyclopentenone using PTC were stud-ied, and the conditions of isomerization were also studied. You see studs on lots of London front doors. I'm now a horse keeper at the stud farm. The mountains are studded with dams, any one of which could wreak destruction in the valley below. Opt for stud earrings or single bracelets. Stars studded the sky. The garment is studded with pearls. The sky was clear and studded with stars.