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1. A particular kind (as to appearance).
2. How something is done or how it happens.
3. A way of expressing something (in language or art or music etc.) that is characteristic of a particular person or group of people or period.
4. Distinctive and stylish elegance.

Use 'style' in a sentence:

  1. His high-flown style just sounds absurd today.
  2. Guests have been asked to dress 1920s-style.
  3. This latest collection lacks style and originality.
  4. This is a powerful endorsement for his softer style of government.
  5. Short skirts are back in style.
  6. More importantly, gays have proved themselves to be style leaders.
  7. Our therapeutic style offers release from stored tensions, traumas, and grief.
  8. I like your style.
  9. Her elegant style sets her apart from other journalists.
  10. The book was written in a style appropriate to the age of the children.
  11. He replied in characteristically robust style.
  12. She wrote in an original and highly erudite style.
  13. He has his own peculiar style which you'll soon get used to.
  14. The room's style exemplifies their ideal of "beauty and practicality."
  15. The hotel has been redecorated but it's lost a lot of its style.
  16. He had a dense, ponderous style.
  17. He won the championship in great style.
  18. Paris has always been synonymous with elegance, luxury and style.
  19. The car has been criticized for its outdated body styling.
  20. Boston, you have to admit, has style.
  21. Her style is pared-down and simple.
  22. Caution was not her style.
  23. His style of dressing bespoke great self-confidence.
  24. He lived in the style befitting a gentleman.
  25. Her style of painting has been imitated by other artists.
  26. Have you thought about having your hair in a shorter style?
  27. You'll find this style of architecture all over the town.
  28. Her style of dress was never conservative.
  29. The letter was written in her usual acerbic style.
  30. Adjust the string tension of your tennis racket to suit your style of playing.
  31. This design came to be known as the Oriental style.
  32. We stock a wide variety of styles and sizes.
  33. These inserts fit inside any style of shoe.
  34. The piece is written in his usual expansive style.
  35. Men have a more direct conversational style.
  36. These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.
  37. What is refreshing is the author's easy, conversational style.
  38. Some styles never go out of fashion.
  39. His writings reveal an unattractive preciousness of style.
  40. Staff respond well to her unbuttoned style of management.
  41. The script allows full rein to her larger-than-life acting style.
  42. Susan's idea of freedom was to have variety in her life style.
  43. My teaching style is similar to that of most other teachers.
  44. She always celebrates her birthday in style.
  45. Critics attack his lavish spending and flamboyant style.
  46. Their music blends traditional and modern styles.
  47. The colour and style is a matter of personal taste.