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1. A person suffering from an illness.
2. One who suffers for the sake of principle.

Use 'sufferer' in a sentence:

  1. Known in medical jargon1 as "cubital tunnel syndrome2", sufferers experience weakness in their hands and have difficulty opening jars, typing, writing or playing instruments.
  2. Being unhappy is like an infectious disease. It causes people to shrink away from the sufferer.
  3. DSI says sufferers are able to make significant contributions to society.
  4. What precautionary measures should Asthma sufferers take in their daily lives?
  5. And I am never a real sufferer but by my own fault.
  6. As a sufferer or as a supporter of someone with this illness, you are not alone.
  7. A young polio sufferer at Children's Hospital in Boston becomes the first person to use the iron lung artificial respirator.
  8. Equal idea in sufferer and value the life principle;
  9. Without the treatment, there is no question that she, or any other sufferer of LCA, will eventually go totally blind.
  10. It causes people to shrink away from the sufferer.
  11. Unfortunately for sufferers of this phobia, the Internet has found much joy in photo shopping lotus-pod designs onto various body parts.
  12. You are an asthma sufferer with severe pollen allergies.
  13. Determination of Trace Elements in Tissue of Alimentary Canal Tumor Sufferer.
  14. For many sufferers, the only sign is feeling exhausted the next day.
  15. The NHS defines binge-eating as a disorder where the sufferer feels "compelled to overeat".
  16. They provided some necessary support for the sufferers.
  17. Health Education Correlates and Evaluates the Living Ways of Hepatitis B Sufferers.
  18. This phobia can cause untold misery for the sufferer.
  19. What employers need to know is that depression is real, the sufferer can do nothing about it and it overtakes at enormous speed.
  20. The investigate analysis for mental health condition to 100 sexually transmitted disease sufferers.
  21. The cost of treating sufferers in the last stages of their lives is particularly high.
  22. If you are a chronic acne sufferer, you know the humiliation and pains brought by this embarrassing skin problem.
  23. The disease progresses slowly and many sufferers will die of something else;
  24. Cancer sufferers no longer face certain death as they once did.
  25. TB sufferers currently take a daily dose of up to four drugs.
  26. As it shrieked and moaned, the poor little sufferer was blown to and fro like the hammer of a bell.
  27. And if the lyrics are familiar the stroke sufferer finds it even easier to speak them.
  28. The sufferer can experience frequent relapses.
  29. Relief was quickly sent to the sufferers from the great fire.
  30. Sometimes that's because a sufferer is unaware of key symptoms.
  31. This is a very different kind of phobia in the way that the sufferer is not afraid of an external entity here.
  32. While this is far from a cure for those with Parkinson's, it may provide some hope to the millions of sufferers around the world.
  33. The sufferer can get anxiety and panic attacks even though he knows the thunder storm could not possibly hurt him.
  34. One ME sufferer I know calls 'walking wounded'.
  35. I felt more than ordinary human sympathy for him in his misfortune, and I was deeply moved as a fellow sufferer.
  36. Being unhappy is like an infectious disease; a causes people to shrink away from the sufferer.
  37. Chirurgery Operation Back the Soul and Body Nursing of Sufferers Pain.
  38. We sympathize with the fear, though not with the agony of the sufferer.
  39. This phobia is sent in motion when the sufferer is in a situation from where he feels there is no easy means of escape.
  40. Overcoming anxiety attacks can seem near impossible if you're a chronic sufferer.
  41. The typical sufferer is between the ages of 26 and 40 who rarely leaves home.
  42. Intoxicating joy is it for the sufferer to look away from his suffering and forget himself.
  43. The behavior has been termed 'gift creep3', and if find yourself doing any of the following, you're probably a sufferer:
  44. My PC ceased to work same as yours. We are the sufferer of the same PC virus.
  45. These boys and girls represent a secret society of sufferers.
  46. Many sufferers have been reclaimed from a dependence on alcohol.
  47. The oldest sufferer of a similar condition lived to the age of 26.
  48. He is a chronic sufferer from hay fever and detest gardens.
  49. The sufferer may complain of marked sleep disruption, or may not be aware of their presence at all.
  50. Rather, HIV, the virus that causes it, weakens the body's immune system and exposes the sufferer to secondary infections.
  51. Although many sufferers are accepted by their families, sadly, others are not.
  52. Sufferers typically cut out entire food groups-often in the mistaken belief they are unhealthy or their bodies are intolerant to them-thereby depriving themselves of essential nutrition and vitamins.
  53. MDT is an effective treatment and could cure all the leprosy sufferers worldwide.
  54. She received many letters of support from fellow sufferers.
  55. The sufferer may have to make major changes in his or her life to arrest the disease.
  56. Frequently sufferers of this kind of allergy are also sufferers of asthma.
  57. I felt more than ordinary human sympathy for him in his misfortune. I was deeply moved as a fellow sufferer.