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1. Firmly believed.
2. Mistakenly believed.
3. Commonly put forth or accepted as true on inconclusive grounds.
4. Doubtful or suspect.

Use 'supposed' in a sentence:

  1. Whatever the circumstances, parents are supposed to know what to do for the best.
  2. Journalists are supposed to be politically neutral.
  3. A set period of fasting is supposed to bring us closer to godliness.
  4. How am I supposed to take that remark?
  5. Farmers were supposed to get an income comparable to that of townspeople.
  6. How was I supposed to know you were waiting for me?
  7. Geniuses are supposed to be difficult, eccentric and hopelessly impractical.
  8. He was supposed to go back to Bergen on the last bus, but of course the accident prevented him.
  9. Public spending is supposed to fall, not rise, in the next few years.
  10. How am I supposed to know—I'm not psychic!
  11. He produced a hand-written list of nine men he was supposed to kill.
  12. You're supposed to be my friend!
  13. I thought we were supposed to be paid today.
  14. He produced a handwritten list of nine men he was supposed to kill.
  15. "Is she supposed to work today?"—"Nope, tomorrow."
  16. I'm not officially supposed to be here.
  17. The first debate was supposed to have been held on Tuesday.
  18. We're supposed to be running a business here. I've got work to do.
  19. Formula One motor car racing is supposed to be dangerous. "Indycar" racing is supposed to be more dangerous still.
  20. Whoops, you weren't supposed to hear that.
  21. The government, the executive and the judiciary are supposed to be separate.
  22. You were supposed to be here an hour ago!
  23. The engine doesn't sound like it's supposed to.
  24. People are supposed to mix, do you understand?
  25. She had supposed him (to be) very rich.
  26. I had supposed his wife a younger woman.
  27. This combination of qualities is generally supposed to be extremely rare.
  28. 'You're not supposed to say that,' she said primly.
  29. You're not supposed to walk on the grass.
  30. When did this supposed accident happen?
  31. Where are we supposed to hang our washing up to dry?
  32. All this was supposed to work like magic.
  33. Children are supposed to get 60 minutes of physical activity every day.
  34. This is the opinion of the supposed experts.