Definition: 1. A complex of concurrent things. 2. A pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease.
Use 'syndrome' in a sentence:
1. Ichthyosis syndrome is a series of genodermatoses clinically manifested by ichthyosiform lesions.
2. The principal manifestation of the syndrome is syncope or presyncope, often accompanied by palpitations.
3. The idea of company founders Valley that it's got a name: entrepreneur's syndrome.
4. This lawyer had fallen victim to the "don'ts" syndrome, a form of negative goal setting.
5. People who lack stimulation in their working lives are likely to be depressed4 and suffer from "underload syndrome".
6. He's been counting down the days since July, and has came down with a bad case of Christmas Syndrome.
7. Misophonia, also known as selective sound sensitivity syndrome, starts with a trigger.
8. An autopsy eventually ascribed the baby's death to sudden infant death syndrome.
9. Children and teens with a cold or flu should not take aspirin for pain relief because of the risk of Reye syndrome, a rare but serious condition of the liver and central nervous system.
10. People with Hunter syndrome lack the enzyme iduronate-2-sulfatase, which is essential for recycling complex carbohydrates.
11. Typically, these symptoms occur within minutes after a mosquito bite, compared to Skeeter Syndrome, which may take hours to days to occur.
12. Analyze the etiology, therapeutic methods and curative effect of postoperative gastroplegia syndrome (PGS) after radical colectomy and proctectomy.
13. Teleworkaholic syndrome to be working from home.
14. The economy class syndrome is not confined to that class on a plane.
15. Foreign accent syndrome is rare, with only about sixty cases reported within the past century.
16. Tell your doctor if you ever had Guillain-Barré Syndrome.
17. Cialdini believes that this "follow-the-leader syndrome", is very dangerous, not least because it encourages bosses to go it alone.
18. Scientists call this the 'it won't affect me' syndrome.
19. Patients can present with an altered mental state, bradypnea, spastic paraparesis and even a "locked in" syndrome.
20. One of the dangers leading to a proliferation of use cases is what I call the water lily syndrome.
21. Cogan's syndrome consists of an interstitial keratitis.
22. This results in what agroecologists call the "treadmill syndrome".
23. Foreign Accent Syndrome is rare, with only about 60 cases reported within the past century.
24. Right now, to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that mothers not sleep in the same bed as their babies but sleep in the same room.
25. The male friend is exhibiting behavior known as Male Answer Syndrome.
26. Shaken baby syndrome is the most common cause of death or serious neurological injury resulting from child abuse.
27. These include Pancoast tumor, neurofibromas and cubital tunnel syndrome.
28. This lawyer had fallen victim to the "don'ts" syndrome—a form of negative goal setting.
29. Myers has been diagnosed with foreign accent syndrome.
30. The havoc that the "treadmill syndrome" can bring about is well illustrated by what happened to cotton farmers in Central America.
31. Economy class syndrome per passenger and one's legs tend especially to be immobilized for lack of leg room.
32. Doing it a lot can lead to "toasted skin syndrome".
33. With teenagers, be prepared for the 'Me, me, me!' syndrome.
34. By inactivating this gene in mice, it is possible to mimic the TSC syndrome.
35. Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome will make you want to ban people from coming in your home.
36. According to the study of pathology of cauda equina syndrome, we mentioned improved surgical treatment of cauda equina syndrome.
37. This sort of lifestyle can lead to dry eye syndrome even more.
38. We have coined the term "Sudden Wealth Syndrome" to describe their shared psychological issues.
39. Objective To discuss the clinical characteristics and treatment of congenital constricting band syndrome ( CCBS) and amputations.
40. Built-up static contributes to sick building syndrome.
41. Dr Gina Gómez, from the National Autistic Society, said research into fragile X syndrome could help understanding of certain aspects of autism.
42. His team investigated the state of abnormal composition of hemoprotein in myelodysplastic syndrome.
43. The syndrome is more likely to strike those whose immune systems are already below par.
44. It's a bit like the exam syndrome where you write down everything you know regardless of what has been asked.
45. Many women suffer from premenstrual tension/ syndrome, causing headaches and depression.
46. About 70% of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome.
47. This syndrome is associated with frequent coughing.
48. Lemon juice can help to prevent economy-class syndrome by improving blood circulation.
49. In the sixties, that was the sum total of post-graduation anxiety syndrome.
50. Although people with the syndrome have intelligible speech, their manner of speaking is altered in terms of timing and tongue placement, which may distort their pronunciation.
51. The Institute says that an unidentified virus is to blame for the syndrome.
52. AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
53. In time, the infection became known as "Acquired Immure Deficiency Syndrome"
54. Irritable bowel syndrome seems to affect more women than men.