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1. A tall piece of furniture that provides storage space for clothes; has a door and rails or hooks for hanging clothes.
2. Collection of clothing belonging to one person.
3. Collection of costumes belonging to a theatrical company.

wardrobewardrobe Image.

Use 'wardrobe' in a sentence:

  1. He got his winter jacket from the wardrobe and dropped it on the sofa.
  2. A wardrobe is taken to pieces.
  3. The wardrobe in the front bedroom has been built in.
  4. This wardrobe is actually a secret entrance to a playroom.
  5. The Mail called Kate a "wardrobe hoarder3", claiming that 'hoarding4' is now a deliberate strategy by the Duchess, who is keen to avoid causing fashion stampedes or, perhaps, coming face-to-face with women in the same outfit5.
  6. It's using simple tools, having a simple wardrobe, carrying little and living lightly.
  7. Simplify your wardrobe . Is your closet bursting full?
  8. Get a new wardrobe.
  9. I've re-carpeted our bedroom and added fitted wardrobes.
  10. Wardrobe malfunction is first used by singer Justin Timberlake in 2004 to explain the incident during Super Bowl XXXVIII in which Janet Jackson's right breast was bared.
  11. The wardrobe is in the way.
  12. Susan must have come back home, since her coat is not in the wardrobe.
  13. When that happens, what impression will your wardrobe make?
  14. Cluttered means the average woman spends almost 17 minutes a day rifling through their wardrobes.
  15. If so, your wardrobe may be in need of editing.
  16. Wardrobe was different, too.
  17. Independence came in tying, wrapping, storing, harmonizing, and rationalizing that wardrobe.
  18. I have my own room with a single bed, wardrobe, desk and chair.
  19. In today ’ s world there isn ’ t always time to shop or keep up with the latest fashion, and you may one day wake up and find your wardrobe a disaster--full of clothes but you can ’ t find a decent piece to wear.
  20. For a busy woman who wants to look modern and fashionable but just doesn ’ t have to time to keep up with the trends, a wardrobe therapist is a great way to go.
  21. She stuffed her clothes in the wardrobe.
  22. But they are found in almost every wardrobe.
  23. But fret no more, all you need is a wardrobe therapist.
  24. From her wardrobe Laura took her latest acquisition, a bright red dress.
  25. A wardrobe taken to pieces.
  26. She may have a full wardrobe, but few of the clothes look good on her.
  27. Personally, I simplified my wardrobe years ago.
  28. The very staple7 of most modern wardrobes, there's been an explosion in terminology8 for the different types of jeans on offer over the last couple of decades.
  29. Rachael Adams from Essex, says that after being tagged on Facebook or Instagram in a new dress, she will then banish it to the back of her wardrobe.
  30. Do you mind if I put your luggage by the wardrobe?
  31. Inspect your wardrobe and find the most spectacular outfits.
  32. We've just found her knocked out in her wardrobe!
  33. But being modest does not end at your wardrobe.
  34. She replenished her wardrobe.
  35. Even your wardrobe turns against you.
  36. Wardrobe portion for the three trips.
  37. Add a touch of green to your environment and wardrobe.
  38. There is a wardrobe at the farther end of the bedroom.
  39. I took the liberty of going into Assunta's wardrobe, as it was open; I was looking for a towel.
  40. Her wardrobe consists primarily of huge cashmere sweaters and tiny Italian sandals.
  41. Scent your drawers and wardrobe with your favourite aromas.
  42. At first glance, the split skirt sounds like a wardrobe malfunction, bronzed legs can break out.
  43. The paintwork, the wardrobes and the bedside cupboards were coffee-cream.
  44. These labels encourage style-conscious consumers to see clothes as disposable—meant to last only a wash or two (although they don't advertise that), and to renew their wardrobe every few weeks.
  45. Can you improve your health through your current clothing, without having to dash out and buy a whole new wardrobe?
  46. The wardrobe was very deep.
  47. Upstairs, the master bedroom has a walk-in wardrobe.
  48. There were several expensive suits hanging in the wardrobe.
  49. In the wardrobe department were rows of costumes.
  50. Jeans are a staple part of everyone's wardrobe.
  51. The range includes chests of drawers, tables and wardrobes.
  52. She reached into the wardrobe and extracted another tracksuit.
  53. The Super Bowl incident, which Ms. Jackson termed a "wardrobe malfunction", has prompted new scrutiny of indecency on the airwaves.