Definition: 1. Ligament made of metal and used to fasten things or make cages or fences etc. 2. A metal conductor that carries electricity over a distance.
Use 'wire' in a sentence:
1. The ground wire in the house is connected to the neutral wire.
2. They arranged to wire the money from the United States.
3. She learned to wire and plumb the house herself.
4. The wire had scraped the skin from her fingers.
5. They wired back a long list of books.
6. Plots of land have been demarcated by barbed wire.
7. His property is fenced with barbed wire.
8. The barbed wire had left only the tiniest nick just below my right eye.
9. What gauge of wire do we need?
10. The wiring in your house should be renewed every ten to fifteen years.
11. Three prisoners escaped by crawling under the wire.
12. He ripped away a wire that led to the alarm button.
13. A wire basket was found.
14. She is very old now, with little, round, wire-rimmed glasses and whiskers sprouting from her chin.
15. He untwisted the wire off the champagne bottle, and the cork popped and shot to the ceiling.
16. The bank wired her the money.
17. The wires had short-circuited and burnt out.
18. Many colleges now have wired dormitories.
19. The telephone wires had been cut.
20. A tiny wire is threaded through a vein to the heart.
21. They escaped through a breach in the wire fence.
22. The wire spring is evenly coiled.
23. He clipped off a length of wire.
24. He wired the news to us.
25. The wire snapped at the wall plug with a blue flash.
26. The box was fastened with a rusty wire.
27. His jacket had been torn to shreds by the barbed wire.
28. The attacker then tried to throttle her with wire.
29. These crystals are then embedded in a plastic, and the plastic is extruded as a wire.
30. We had to strip out all the old wiring and start again.
31. Make sure the wires don't touch.
32. The bird had become entangled in the wire netting.
33. The factory was surrounded by barbed wire.
34. I ripped out the telephone wire that ran through to his office.
35. Grow lettuces under plastic stretched over wire hoops.
36. He was wired up to a police tape recorder.
37. There may even be some wire or nylon biting into the flesh.
38. By night, the perimeter wire was illumined by lights.
39. We sent a wire asking him to join us.
40. The room had been wired for sound.
41. Computer wires were trailing all over the floor.
42. Don't touch that wire or you'll get a shock.
43. He was wearing new glasses with gold wire frames.
44. An electrical pulse in a wire travels close to the speed of light.
45. The ground-floor windows are obscured by wire mesh.
46. Turn the cake the right way up on to a wire rack.
47. He bent the wire into the shape of a square.
48. The plastic resin is used in a wide range of products, including electrical wire insulation.