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1. A public promotion of some product or service.
2. A notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service.
3. Make reference to.
4. Give heed.

Use 'advert' in a sentence:

  1. After the adverts, the presenter tried to pretend that everything was back to normal.
  2. The music sounds like an advert—easy on the ear but bland and forgettable.
  3. There are many different models of advertising practice, but no one is precisely sure what makes a good advert.
  4. The adverts are not very informative.
  5. Many caravans are let by private individuals through adverts in papers or shop windows.
  6. It also accused Google of stopping websites from showing adverts from the search engine's competitors.
  7. A quick trawl through the newspapers yielded five suitable job adverts.
  8. I never watch the adverts on TV.
  9. It sounds like an advert: easy on the ear but bland and forgettable.
  10. Advertisers clamoured to get on the app before it even began to sell adverts.
  11. Alarmingly, my advert was not the only one of its kind: the London edition of Gumtree had four similar ones.
  12. The advert campaign includes a virtual show stage and some virtual billboards.
  13. But whether or not she knew is beside the point; the advert should not have been made.
  14. OK, strictly speaking this is a poster not an advert but the lines of difference are blurred.
  15. Conrad later appeared in an American Express advert of famous Americans nobody recognised.
  16. This courtroom battle has been a poor advert for English justice.
  17. She answered an advert for a job as a cook.
  18. A TV advert for sweet onions showed a rugby player eating beans that made him smell "stinky."
  19. The main purpose of the advert is to catch people's attention.
  20. A friend alerted me to the advert for Castaway, saying I'd be the only person they knew mad enough to give it a go.
  21. That was until his mother spotted advert for the competition in a magazine.
  22. 'Could you photocopy the advert and put it in the post to us?' — 'With pleasure John.'
  23. Raunchy adverts showing a couple making love have already been banned by Austrian TV.
  24. Maybe we shouldn't expect anything else from an annual backslapping session built around a ridiculous number of advert breaks.
  25. Twenty-six participants were given Aesop's advert for hard work and another 26 were given Kafka's more pessimistic tale.
  26. The advert depicted the illusion of spilt paint all over the building and car park and parked cars.
  27. If you want to sell your house , put an advert [ ad, advertisement ] in the newspaper.
  28. This case is not advert to in Smith v. Jones Machine Ltd.
  29. Please advert to the contents below, I believe you won't be disappointed.
  30. It is time the Government backed up its advert campaigns with tougher measures.
  31. Times you want your advert to go on air.
  32. VW launched a huge advert this year at the US Superbowl – the most expensive advertising slot in the world.
  33. Still, I hope the new adverts will attract a new wave of applications.
  34. He wrote a jingle for a shampoo advert.
  35. So, as the stars of one popular Bud advert might ask, "Wassup?"
  36. Apple hides secret job advert to attract world's best tech talent.
  37. This includes the "hard" costs, such as placing a job advert, and the "hidden" costs, such as time spent conducting interviews.
  38. Ronaldinho was seen giggling and holding up the product in the advert, which was shown by major broadcasters on the mainland.
  39. The advert/ advertisement is to sell medicine.
  40. A variety of girdles existed to help achieve those contours are shown here in advert form.
  41. When the adverts came on I got up to put the kettle on.
  42. In 2000, an npower advert showed a ginger family under the banner "There are some things in life you can't choose".
  43. Wildly misleading: the image on an advert for the tiger 'park' at Guilin has no relation to the reality.
  44. She gave me an advert on a card to put up in the window.
  45. A spokeswoman for Ford said that the advert was aimed at young men and was intended to be humorous.
  46. "Lifestyle is very social. It includes a lot of going out," he noted on his eBay advert.
  47. The advert should only be shown after the 9pm watershed.
  48. People should complain when they consider an advert offensive.
  49. The advert took four months to grow and prepare.
  50. I saw your advert on penpals China and fell in love with your pic.
  51. I advertised, and Mrs. Fairfax answered the advert.
  52. Apple created an advert that painted IBM as Big Brother.
  53. The advert containing knocking copy has been withdrawn.
  54. The advert featured a dolphin swimming around a goldfish bowl.
  55. I saw an advert in a magazine and I was just calling to get some details.
  56. He might as well have taken out an advert announcing that his celebrity was on the wane.
  57. She adverted briefly to the news of the day.
  58. We do have to cross our legs every time when Christian Dior advert comes on.
  59. Please advert to the contents below. I believe you won't be disappointed.
  60. ADVERTS from the early years of Southwest Airlines evoke a lost era.
  61. If they can stick to such principles, it would be a great advert for self-regulation.
  62. I stumbled across his advert accidentally after finishing university, and have not looked back since.
  63. Your CV is your advert to sell yourself to an employer.
  64. Your best hope of obtaining a copy is to place an advert in the classifieds.
  65. Swissair Barley's Gigant Crop advert.
  66. The advert will be promoted in 40 different countries over a period of 12 months in an effort to reflect the true colours of Dubai.
  67. The advert was trying to "show the ugliness of the illness, not of aids victims", he added.
  68. The advert breaks down into 450 10m X 2m sections which are to be assembled just like a jigsaw puzzle.
  69. Microsoft's doctored advert was shown to users in Poland.
  70. Money is being wasted on adverts that go right over a consumer's head.
  71. If you are to advert or an association or exhibitor recommending it, please specify which one?
  72. Although that's a little matter , but hope everybody have to advert on book.
  73. But the company said it would not put so-called banner adverts in messages.
  74. The firm has taken out adverts in national newspapers to urge customers to return suspect products.
  75. Although not the first brand to claim its advert can be viewed on Google Earth, the KFC logo is certainly one of the most ambitious.
  76. I saw an advert for a job with a large engineering company.