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1. Speaking of yourself in superlatives.
2. An act of talking with excessive pride and self-satisfaction.
3. To talk with too much pride about something that you have or can do.

Use 'boast' in a sentence:

  1. Both claim to have never been beaten at the bar, but that is soon to become an idle boast for one of them.
  2. You can't steer or stop your colleague. The more unappreciated she feels, the more she'll boast.
  3. People will often boast about how many "friends" they may have in their real or online network.
  4. Its favourite boast is that it is the world's biggest aid donor.
  5. Some firms boast that they will absorb all the pain themselves.
  6. Second is don't boast yourself to talk too much, pride about yourself what you can do unless you are interviewing a sales position.
  7. Well, I don't mean to boast but all the designs are done by myself and some colleagues are already trying to copy some of them for their new apartments.
  8. I said I would score, and it wasn't an idle boast.
  9. The houses will boast the latest energy-saving technology.
  10. Despite his boasts that his children were brilliant, neither of them went to college.
  11. His proud boast is that he never lost.
  12. She is always boasting about how wonderful her children are.
  13. I don't want to boast, but I can actually speak six languages.