Definition: 1. Bring into existence. 2. Give or supply. 3. Produce (energy). 4. Make children.
Use 'generate' in a sentence:
1. These nerve centres generate rhythmic movements; or to be more specific, rhythmic stomach movements.
2. "In theory," says Valentine, "this can create a high enough temperature to generate superheated steam."
3. Artificial muscles can generate electricity during constriction. The electricity may even charge up your mobile phone.
4. The percentage of false negatives generated by the cancer test is of great concern.
5. The firm soon started frittering away the cash it was generating.
6. We see a trend in data warehousing away from using these systems just to generate reports for top management.
7. To generate new money the sport needs to be more entertaining.
8. This business generates cash in prodigious amounts.
9. The research methods of social science generate two kinds of data.
10. The units can be used to generate tiny amounts of power, and in principle, giant dipping birds could be constructed which would generate more power.
11. The case has generated enormous publicity in Brazil.
12. Worldwide coverage beamed by satellite generates huge audiences accompanied by global advertising revenues.
13. The great question is who should benefit from the analysis of all the data that our lives now generate.
14. Friction generates heat.
15. This commercial forest is very productive and can generate good economic returns.
16. In Europe, AC is usually generated at 50 Hz.
17. Second, like other "successful" insurrections, the events of February failed to generate the most desirable kinds of historical records.
18. The timing of the minister's visit, however, could somewhat detract from the goodwill it's supposed to generate.
19. Brainstorming is a good way of generating ideas.
20. We intend to generate among all people a sense of personal responsibility for the environment in which we live.
21. The proposal has generated a lot of interest.
22. A neutron star has a gravitational field strong enough to generate X-rays.
23. Today's economic slump could well generate a similar backlog of couples whose relationships have been irreparably ruined.
24. Revolution of a right triangle about one of its legs generates a cone.
25. A good rule of thumb is that a broker must generate sales of ten times his salary if his employer is to make a profit.
26. In this section, you'll see how to generate keys that let you store data for each user session.
27. Most cities generate a complex brew of pollutants.
28. Paraelectric materials can generate a current when electrodes are attached to them.
29. This file is the source code for Snort, which you can use to generate for your particular platform.
30. It can generate 194 megawatts of electric power, but that's just a drop in the bucket.
31. Emotional upsets generate powerful and deadly toxic substances.
32. But an investment is supposed to generate income to pay off the loans.
33. "We spent an hour or two in class learning how to generate the codes, and in the end everything gets easier."
34. A lot of economic law disputes, which generate from the real life, need to be settled.
35. This book will continue to generate excitement for a long time.
36. Then increase it at a higher rate each year and essentially try to generate additional revenue.
37. In theory, says Valentijn, this can create a high enough temperature to generate superheated steam.
38. The labour secretary said the reforms would generate new jobs.
39. Impacts on porous bodies generate less debris, so more energy goes into producing heat.
40. The project is designed to generate around 30 megawatts of power for the national grid.
41. Older production technologies often continue to generate toxic wastes that were not regulated when the technology was first adopted.
42. To generate lift, a bird has merely to tilt its wings, adjusting the flow of air below and above them.
43. The Employment Minister said the reforms would generate new jobs.
44. We had to have an actor who could generate real empathy. Plus he had to carry the audience through a lot of plot.
45. These dams generate low-cost electricity and store water that is needed for agriculture and industry.
46. We need someone to generate new ideas.
47. The paradox of exercise is that while using a lot of energy it seems to generate more.
48. I could actually swipe a card and generate an electronic receipt via email and then send it out to a person.
49. This would generate steam that could be used to fill tanks on a small steam train without the use of fire.
50. The company, New England Electric, burns coal to generate power.
51. These act like batteries when they undergo a temperature change: attach electrodes to them and they generate a current.
52. By investing in efficient plant it could generate lots of valuable carbon credits to sell to wealthier, more wasteful nations.
53. The sale generated record profits.
54. The pollution event generated public outrage.
55. The atomic reactor generates enormous amounts of thermal energy.