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1. Kept private or confined to those intimately concerned.
2. By a private person or interest.

Use 'privately' in a sentence:

  1. Government Strategy Management Studies about Privately Established Higher Education.
  2. Can we speak privately?
  3. The museum is privately funded.
  4. According to Alan Stern, planetary scientist, the biggest public relations boost for the ISS may come from the privately funded space flight industry.
  5. 'Perhaps we can talk somewhere privately,' said Kesler.
  6. We've always been privately owned.
  7. Construction is good and environmental to promote privately owned economic continued development.
  8. This is a project with the goal of landing the first privately paid mission to the moon.
  9. Privately, after a while, Tom organised a royal court!
  10. Two out of five thought the business would be sold privately on their retirement or death.
  11. Countermeasures for sustainable development of privately run Wushu schools in China.
  12. The advisers also meet with students privately and stay in touch with parents, so they are deeply invested in the students' success.
  13. Often the latifundia are surrounded by privately-owned small plots or minifundia.
  14. The Development Direction of Chinese Privately Operated Business Management.
  15. Universities privately managed should be set up a new system.
  16. Few senior figures have issued any public statements but privately the resignation's been welcomed.
  17. Together they travel the world, sourcing clothes for the small, privately owned company.
  18. The Privately Offered Fund's Regulation and Development in Our Security Market.
  19. Privately they seem to have the same exacting standards.
  20. This is a project with the goal of landing the first privately paid for mission to the moon.
  21. There really was a sort of Magic about Dickon, as Mary always privately believed.
  22. Privately, she worries about whether she's really good enough.
  23. On the Prospects of Privately-run Higher Education in China.
  24. U.S. government officials are set to approve a mission by privately-held space company Moon Express to travel outside of Earth's orbit in late 2017.
  25. Coordinates by the Privately Operated Enterprise with the Economy Society Development.
  26. Development investigation of 120 privately owned enterprises in China.
  27. He went to fetch the moonstone, as was privately known to himself and to me.
  28. Trust and Privately Raised Fund: Modern Enterprise Financing New Way.
  29. While Washington and Jefferson privately expressed distaste for slavery, they also understood that it was part of the political and economic bedrock of the country they helped to create.
  30. Wombat Creek Winery is an independent privately owned company producing fine wine as an art.
  31. The Present Situation and Development Research on the Enterprise Culture of Chinese Privately Operated Enterprise.
  32. A Study on Privately Offered Fund Risk and It's Evaluation.
  33. Some ministers admit privately that unemployment could continue to rise.
  34. He pretends to admire me, though privately he hates me.
  35. Panduit is a privately held, global technology company that takes pride in developing high-performing, innovative solutions for our customers.
  36. No other European country had so much state ownership and so few privately owned businesses.
  37. The man privately admits that his motive is profits.
  38. Most of the apartments are privately owned.
  39. Their children were educated privately.
  40. The whole process makes buying a car privately as painless as buying from a garage.
  41. The airport is being privately funded by a construction group.
  42. I spoke privately to the candidate after the oral.
  43. The figure-skating pair's convincing victory last week was particularly irksome to their rivals, who were in peak form and complained privately about the judging.
  44. She smiled, but privately she was furious.
  45. A great deal of food is distributed and sold privately without ever reaching the shops.
  46. In public he supported the official policy, but privately he was sure it would fail.