Definition: 1. The residue that remains when something is burned. 2. The grey or black powdery substance that is left after something is burnt.
Use 'ash' in a sentence:
1. In order to reduce the amount of residue ash Shelbyville generates this year to half of last year's total, the city has revamped its collection program.
2. For the first time industrial waste, such as ash from the soap-boilers, was collected in the cities and sold in the country as artificial fertilizer.
3. Weather satellites have observed a ring of volcanic ash girdling the earth.
4. Hardwoods such as hickory, oak and ash also burn well.
5. Wood ash is one example . But chemical mordents mordants such as allen alum are popular today.
6. A cloud of volcanic ash is spreading across wide areas of the Philippines.
7. The power-generation plant belched out five tons of ash an hour.
8. After the wheat crop has been gathered, many farmers burn the remains and plough the ash into the soil , so as to enrich the soil.
9. Black and white edge, is the ash demarcation line.
10. The bulk of Vulcanian deposits are fine grained ash.
11. He blew hard on the ashes to rekindle the fire.
12. This material is variously termed ash, clinker, cinders or slag.
13. Drop your cigarette ashes into the ashtray.
14. On occasion, animals and plants have been preserved after becoming immersed in tar or quicksand, trapped in ice or lava flows, or engulfed by rapid falls of volcanic ash.
15. The volcano threw new showers of magma and ash into the air.
16. Beavers use ash trees only for construction.
17. The volcano spewed out more scorching volcanic ashes, gases and rocks.
18. The bodies buried in the fine ash slowly decayed.
19. He flicked the ashes from his cigar.
20. The volcano spurted clouds of steam and ash high into the air.
21. He brushed the cigarette ash from his sleeve.
22. There are two ash trees in front of my window.
23. This incineration generated a large quantity of residue ash.
24. Ash began to erupt from the crater.
25. Or edible some pungent foods, like ginger, pepper, Chinese prickly ash, pepper and so on.
26. She dusted some ash from her sleeve.
27. This code is not applicable to building mortar and powdered coal ash used as admixture carrier.
28. Glass, which has been made since the time of the Mesopotamians and Egyptians, is little more than a mixture of sand, soda ash and lime.
29. Out of the ashes of the economic shambles, a phoenix of recovery can arise.
30. He went on about his irresponsible behaviour, the dreadful effect it would have on his children and so on. It was all sackcloth and ashes.
31. Please don't flick ash on the carpet!
32. She raked out the ashes from the boiler.
33. If the ash cloud were to drift in another direction, flights could be sent around or above it.
34. The Tanzanian government has once again started mining the lake for soda ash, used for making chemicals, glass and detergents.
35. Knock the ash out of your pipe before you refill it.
36. The volcano erupted, raining hot ash over a wide area.
37. She noticed the trees: maple, birch, and ash.
38. Can a new party rise from the ashes of the old one?
39. The Romans observed that, when volcanic ash mixes with water and then cools, it gets extremely hard and almost impossible to break up.
40. The road engineering properties of fly ash roller concrete are studied in this paper.
41. Mount Unzen has been spewing out volcanic ash, gas, and rock today.
42. The house was burnt down to ashes.
43. He removed the cigar, knocking off the ash.
44. Her ashes were spread over the sea.
45. When coal burns part of it is left as ash.
46. A pilot encountered an ash plume from the erupting Mount Galunggung in Java, Indonesia in 1982.
47. Mexico's Mount Colima began spewing lava and ash last night.
48. He flipped the ash off his cigarette.
49. The house burnt to ashes.
50. Don't tread ash into the carpet!
51. Coke is an economical fuel but it leaves a lot of ash.
52. The photoelectric colorimetry is usually used in some test items of coal ash analysis.
53. Volcanic ash showered down on the town after the eruption.
54. She let the long cone of ash hang at the end of her cigarette.
55. Don't drop your cigarette ash on the carpet, use an ashtray.
56. The facility recently recorded finding 1,890 grammes of gold per tonne of ash from incinerated sludge.
57. She takes a handful of ash, the flakes are large and sticky.
58. The pages crinkled and curled and turned to ashes in the fire.
59. The ash plume across 6 provinces, raising fears of damage to crops.
60. Computer simulations by Mike Rampino, a climate modeler from New York University, show that the resulting ash cloud could have plunged the area into darkness.
61. She wanted her ashes to be scattered at sea.
62. The rafters are made from ash.
63. The party had risen, like a phoenix, from the ashes of electoral disaster.
64. The town was reduced to ashes in the fighting.
65. He ordered their villages burned to ashes.
66. By chemically extracting nickel form the ash, they produced 100 pounds of nickel per acre of land at a total cost per pound slightly above that of current mining.
67. The parks and squares looked grim under a mantle of soot and ash.
68. There is a possibility that alkalinity of ash is related to fiber fineness.