Definition: 1. An area of knowledge or activity; especially one that somebody is responsible for. 2. Territory over which rule or control is exercised. 3. A set of websites on the Internet which end with the same group of letters, for example .com , .org.
Use 'domain' in a sentence:
1. Users need to find out if a domain name is already registered or is still available.
2. The BLOB domain can be used when the message is treated as opaque, not parsed, and simply routed.
3. An Internet society spokeswoman domain users will not experience any disruptions during the transition.
4. Companies are unlikely to file many more patents for human DNA molecules-most are already patented or in the public domain.
5. One of the literature's greatest detectives has moved into the public domain.
6. The state of their marriage has been put into the public domain.
7. There will be time to achieve mastery in multiple domains.
8. The digits in a domain name usually aren'trandom.
9. DNS refers to the Domain Name System, which is a directory that connects names to numerical Internet addresses.
10. To each of these domains there corresponds a generator and to each cross-over there corresponds a relator.
11. Written information was no longer the domain of monks with quill pens and hand-written books, and it was no longer confined to zealots in churches.
12. The domain is vast.
13. It is outrageous that the figures are not in the public domain.
14. A photo isn't public domain just because you found it on the internet.
15. The care of older people is being placed firmly within the domain of the family.
16. Any attempt to encroach upon presidential prerogatives in this domain was quickly and firmly resisted.
17. It was the first example of an acquisition of something that is in the public domain.
18. Officials planned to use eminent domain to force 18 residents and businesses off their properties.
19. Reading gives you the possibility to speak about science, even if you don't work in this domain.
20. The property of the near field subwavelength imaging in a metal thin-film structure is investigated using finite difference time domain method based on Drude model.
21. Avoid redundancy: Define an item in the glossary or in the domain model, but not in both.
22. It is investigated using finite difference time domain method based on Drude model.
23. Alibaba also now has the advantages that come with dominating its domain.
24. And most of what we know about regret comes to us out of that domain.
25. Much cutting-edge research is therefore in the private rather than public domain.
26. Now, look upon your domain with your eyes wide open.
27. From the profusion of electronic-text sites available, it looks as if this virtual library is here to stay unless a proposed revision to copyright law takes many publications out of the public domain.
28. The Spice Islands were within the Spanish domains.
29. As his prose grew more exalted, it passed easily into the domain of poetry.
30. And yet, chess is a domain of perfect objectivity.
31. In other domains--the world of communications.
32. Is the domain name already registered or still available?
33. The ancestors of the modern Zuni and Hopi built and then, for reasons still mysterious, abandoned the complex roads and structures of the domain they ruled a millennium ago in the American southwest.
34. The system login uses information such as source ID (SID), domain and system user name for authentication, so it is considered secure.
35. When you create a composite application to cover the functionality of your domain, major UI elements may focus solely on your domain.
36. When highly gifted students in any domain talk about what was important to the development of their abilities, they are far more likely to mention their families than their schools or teachers.
37. This information should be in the public domain.
38. His domain extends for 20 miles in every direction.
39. As a cricketer, gymnastics is out of his domain.
40. space, time and force--and apply them to new abstract domains,
41. T-protein from Escherichia coli consists of three domains: chorismate mutase, prephenate dehydrogenase and a regulatory domain.
42. Also, pay attention to the name of the domain.
43. Most MILNET hosts will change to the DDN domain.
44. I will say "No" where appropriate to tasks that are outside my domain.
45. Many companies doing business in Africa will soon move their sites to a domain, so the site of Coca Cola in Africa may become
46. It urges us to explore the unknown domain of the universe.
47. A database administrator can further investigate these transactions to isolate the problem using of the domain expert capabilities that OPM EE offers.
48. I think probably that the laser has not realised the potential that was expected of it in that domain.
49. Each age brings forth new genius on this noble land,' and each will rule its own domain for years to come.
50. The information has been placed in the public domain.
51. Physics used to be very much a male domain.
52. The content and format of explanations dated back to a time when the museum was the exclusive domain of the scientific researcher.