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1. Having great (or a certain) extent from one side to the other.
2. Broad in scope or content.
3. (used of eyes) fully open or extended.
4. Very large in expanse or scope.
5. Great in degree.

Use 'wide' in a sentence:

  1. The race is still wide open.
  2. Our field of vision is surprisingly wide.
  3. Her shot was wide (of the target).
  4. She had left the door wide open.
  5. She gives showbiz parties a wide berth.
  6. He gave the dog a wide berth.
  7. Managers have a wide span of control.
  8. There are wide variations in prices.
  9. She stared at him with wide eyes.
  10. She had a fear of wide-open spaces.
  11. Her eyes were wide with horror.
  12. Heat the liquid in a large, wide container rather than a high narrow one, or it can boil over.
  13. It's too wide. We can't swim across.
  14. He stood with his legs wide apart.
  15. Her skirt hangs in perfect wide pleats.
  16. The case has attracted wide publicity.
  17. In a few seconds she was wide awake.
  18. There is a wide body of opinion that supports this proposal.
  19. Sam has a wide mouth.
  20. She has a wide circle of friends.
  21. We are talking about education in its widest sense.
  22. A wide-brimmed hat shadowed her face.
  23. Jenny has a wide circle of friends.
  24. He opened his arms wide to embrace her.
  25. There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from.
  26. We stock a wide variety of styles and sizes.
  27. The town is in a beautiful situation in a wide green valley.
  28. Modern backpacks spread the load over a wider area.
  29. We need to act on a Europe-wide scale.
  30. It's about 2 metres wide.
  31. It's the best job in the whole wide world.
  32. He has a wide knowledge of painting and music.
  33. The hotel offers a wide range of facilities.
  34. This chemical has a wide range of industrial uses.
  35. We stock a wide range of cards and gift wrap.
  36. The article covered a wide range of topics.
  37. Historians use a wide range of primary and secondary sources for their research.
  38. We need to explore a wide range of possibilities.
  39. There is a wide range of choices open to you.
  40. The new approach had wide applicability to all sorts of different problems.
  41. Her face broke into a wide grin.
  42. This pair of curtains will fit a rail up to 7ft 6in wide.
  43. A wide range of cleaning fluids and powders is available.
  44. We stock a wide range of perfumes.
  45. The road is only one lane wide.
  46. The colleges grouped together to offer a wider range of courses.
  47. How wide is that stream?
  48. Is the problem one that's industry-wide?
  49. We need to appeal to a wider customer base.
  50. Her music appeals to a wide audience.
  51. The incident has received wide coverage in the press.
  52. This particular model comes with a wide range of options.
  53. The door was wide open.
  54. He has laid himself wide open to political attack.
  55. The survey covers a wide geographical area.
  56. Don't waste space by leaving a wide margin.
  57. The road was just wide enough for two vehicles to pass.
  58. The festival attracts people from a wide area.