Home » words » girlfriend example sentences



1. Any female friend.
2. A girl or young woman with whom a man is romantically involved.

Use 'girlfriend' in a sentence:

  1. Has he got a girlfriend?
  2. He is completely besotted with his new girlfriend.
  3. He's constantly on the phone to his girlfriend being soppy.
  4. Paul is a tedious, self-absorbed jackass who neglects his girlfriend.
  5. Do you want to pop your head in and say hallo to my girlfriend?
  6. He had been going out with his girlfriend for seven months.
  7. Jay had always tended to keep his girlfriends at a distance.
  8. We were all very taken with his girlfriend.
  9. My girlfriend nagged me to cut my hair.
  10. He's married but he has a girlfriend on the side.
  11. This new girlfriend of his—what's she like?
  12. He was seen canoodling with his new girlfriend.
  13. "So you're Leo's girlfriend?" he ventured.
  14. My girlfriend is a saint to put up with me.
  15. He made the mistake of leaving his valuable record collection with a former girlfriend.
  16. He was devastated when his girlfriend gave him the push.
  17. My girlfriend Geraldine is a saint to put up with me.
  18. My girlfriend Lynn and I eloped.
  19. His girlfriend was a real uber-babe, with long blonde hair and a big smile.
  20. My girlfriend had broken up with me.
  21. He proposed to his girlfriend over a public-address system.
  22. He ditched his girlfriend.
  23. Mr Sadler conducted interviews, and his girlfriend wrote them up.
  24. He still finds time for romance by cooking candlelit dinners for his girlfriend.
  25. His girlfriend was a dancer with the New York City Ballet.
  26. His previous girlfriend was a dancer with the Royal Ballet.
  27. I was auditioning for the part of a jealous girlfriend.
  28. The man's girlfriend managed to escape unhurt.
  29. He manages to persuade both his wife and girlfriend to provide him with an alibi.
  30. Did you hear he's dumped his girlfriend?
  31. He got his girlfriend pregnant and they're getting married.
  32. He had the cheek to ask his ex-girlfriend to babysit for them.
  33. The main topic of conversation was Tom's new girlfriend.
  34. His new girlfriend had omitted to tell him she was married.
  35. I got the inside scoop on his new girlfriend.
  36. I met a girlfriend for lunch.
  37. I had lunch with a girlfriend.
  38. The boy didn't have a girlfriend, much less a wife.
  39. My girlfriend of long standing left me.
  40. Your girlfriend's fear seems to interlock with your fear.
  41. My girlfriend has broken up with me.
  42. She tortured herself with fantasies of Bob and his new girlfriend.
  43. His girlfriend had gone into the witness box and taken the oath.
  44. He received a long-distance phone call from his girlfriend in Colorado.
  45. His new girlfriend is attractive, funny, smart, yada yada yada.